Reality Episode #3 With Dr. Avi Zinn, PT – Working Through The COVID-19 Pandemic

Nathan Shields • August 18, 2020
A man wearing a mask is holding a bottle of hand sanitizer in his hands.


The COVID-19 pandemic has turned the world upside down, forcing many of us to leave behind our old ways and adapt to the new norm. Speaking for those in the PT industry as we are in the thick of it, Nathan Shields takes us into his follow-up episode with  Avi Zinn, PT, DPT, OCS , the owner of  Druid Hills PT . Here, we get the chance to see how Avi worked through the COVID-19 pandemic, how his coach helped him through it, what dramatic changes he made, and what he’s looking forward to now that they’re scaling back up. Don’t miss out on this conversation as it leaves great insights into navigating through these uncertain times without being left behind.

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Reality Episode #3 With Dr. Avi Zinn, PT – Working Through The COVID-19 Pandemic

This is episode three of my reality series with Avi Zinn, the Owner of Druid Hills PT . We’re following along the course with Avi, as he has decided to take on coaching in this practice. Not particularly with me, but we want to follow along and see how coaches helped him as an owner so you can get an idea of what a coach or consultant might do for you as an owner as well. It is cool to see the growth of a relatively new owner. You’ve been an owner for how long now, Avi?

This is for a few years now, Nathan. I’m pretty new.

I usually recommend people get their feet underneath them maybe for a year or so, and then maybe reach out to a coach or consultant at that time after they’ve gotten someone established. They can start earlier, but I thought it might be interesting to follow along on your journey here as you’re doing the coaching. Thanks for joining us again, Avi. We have time to catch up on. I looked at our notes and the last time we spoke was March 6th, 2020, and the episode  released on March 24th, 2020. We all know that March was like the hailstorm of the COVID-19 pandemic. I don’t think we even touched base on it. It might not have even been thought of in our minds last time we spoke.

I don’t think it was at all.

We didn’t even make reference to it. One of the previous episodes was about telehealth and COVID-19 if you need to do that. The one right after you was how to save your business financially with Eric Miller , which had a ton of views on my show. We were right in the thick of it. Tell us a little bit about what happened with your clinic, with COVID, and the surrounding area with your business.

First of all, thanks for having me back. It’s always fun doing this. When we did our last episode, it was before anything happened in the States. Right around that time, I was speaking with someone, a friend, a chiropractor, she was anticipating closing down because of Coronavirus. I thought that she was crazy. Why would it even be a thing? Three weeks later, it all went down. In the middle of March, probably right after our episode, when things were starting to get intense, I made the decision to close the office to in-person visits.

Lots of people stayed open. Some people didn’t. For me, it felt like that was the thing that we needed to do. We’ve pushed over to telehealth. I believe I listened, if not before, at least after to that interview you did with Daniel . I did reach out to him and talked to him a little bit to see if he could give me some advice on it. We did switch over to telehealth probably from March through sometime in June, we were doing mostly telehealth. We did have a few patients stay on. Even from the beginning, we didn’t close 100% because there were like four patients that were post-op. We made the decision that we would keep them in the office, but no one else. There were four patients coming and the rest of the visits were telehealth. We had to pivot and figure it all out.

Out of curiosity, how did telehealth do for you? I know some people tried it. Some people had some success, some people didn’t.

Honestly, to the credit of my team, the PTs, and the front desk, they made it work. They were able to transition to it quickly and got it going. Our caseload, for sure, dropped probably like 50% or so, maybe a little less even. For March through sometime in June 2020, we were full with telehealth and we were treating and the PTs were figuring it out as we went along how to treat differently because it’s not the same. They were seeing results and people were continuing to make follow-up visits. Even a lot of the patients that were right before COVID continued until their plan of care and they were discharged through telehealth. It was all to the credit of my team. I pretty much removed myself from treating and they did it all. They figured it out and it was impressive to watch them do that.

Times of crisis are opportunities in disguise.
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That’s super cool because what I came up against, as I’ve talked to clients who are trying to implement telehealth, is that they had a hard time convincing the patients that it was going to be beneficial. The patients lost that connection or were skeptical about its capabilities and the results that they would get with telehealth. What were your people able to say to convince patients that this was okay and they were going to still get results?

I think it was more of like, “This is what we’ve got. This is what we’re working with. This is what the world is now.”

This is better than nothing.

Yes, but in a more positive spin on it. Not better than nothing, it’s almost as good. It just doesn’t have a few components. If you have to think of it differently, most of the stuff we can still get accomplished. Maybe a little bit we can’t because we can’t do some of the manual stuff, but we can still do this. A lot of PT anyway is trying to talk through a lot of these problems with our patients. You’re a PT and most of the time are simple as far as what to do, but it’s how to figure out to get them to understand, be committed, and know that they have to commit and they have to do these things. A lot of times, it’s not the manual treatment that’s going to get them better. It’s talking them through things.

You can do that with telehealth. I don’t know why that worked better than some other people had. I know some other people didn’t have luck with telehealth, but at least, we were able to get people to stay. Who knows? Maybe they liked the practice because a lot of them were continued on patients from before it started. Maybe they were like, “I already got some results from my therapist. I’m already seeing it. Why not continue? If they’re telling me it’s going to continue to get better, then I believe them because they’ve already shown me. I’ve gotten a little bit better already.”

Are you still doing some telehealth?

We are, but very little. We’re back to probably 90% or something in-person. There still are some telehealth visits. What’s nice though and that’s something that moving forward after all this goes back to some kind of normal. I would love to be able to keep telehealth as part of the practice. Forget about Coronavirus, let’s say someone has got to stay home with their kids because they’re sick or something. It’s a good option for people to have like, “This week, I’m not going to be able to make it into the office, but at least, we can still touch base and do some of the treatment through telehealth.” Hopefully, we can keep that.

If someone’s on vacation or something like that, they could still call-in. They don’t want to on vacation, but there are extenuating circumstances in which you can continue to use telehealth and not miss that visit.

Hopefully, we can continue to have that as part of our practice and the whole world will continue. There are many opportunities now that we all can take and we all are. Besides PT, this is for everyone. I’ve got kids. Our kids had to do remote learning and everyone and my wife is working from home. This whole world is figuring out how to do this stuff remotely and hopefully, we’ll all see that. Some of this could be more of a benefit than not and we hope to use that to make things more effective or more efficient.

PTO 112 | Working Through COVID-19
Working Through COVID-19: Part of being a PT is figuring out how to get patients to understand and know that they have to commit.


I think telehealth can change a part of our practice if we are intentional about using it. You mentioned that you transitioned out of patient care. Were you still seeing patients a little bit back around that time and were transitioning out fully or had you been out of patient care by that time?

I had been treating still. I’ve always been trying to reduce my treating hours. That was one of the first goals of coaching was to reduce. I don’t know if I ever thought I would have to completely take myself out, but I always knew I had to do less treating. Once this all started, it was like, “There is so much that I need to deal with now, I cannot be treating.” Almost overnight with Coronavirus, I was treating and then I was down to no treating. It was good for me because if it wasn’t for something like this, maybe I would have always reduced my hours a little bit, but maybe I would never go fully out to zero treatings. That force me out, which I’m not saying I won’t go back ever, but it’s clear to me that I need to not be treating and focus on all the other stuff of the business.

It’s interesting that you pivoted in that direction because I’ve talked to plenty of clients who didn’t have the telehealth success that you had, but they let go of a number of their team members to the point where they had to treat. I love the fact that you saw it not as the owner and as a leader that, “I can’t afford to treat. I need to focus on the business and pivoting us to a point where we can stay afloat until things get back to normal.” Whereas, a lot of owners have the mentality that I need to let everybody go and do this all myself. It’s interesting that you gained that mentality that your ownership and leadership in the business is more important than you treating patients. That’s a cool mindset that you had. Over the course of time, you gradually pulled yourself out of treatment. Did you start with half days or full days here and there to gradually work your way down to the point where you were before COVID?

I don’t remember exactly, but it was reducing hours. There would be half days because I was also doing billing. At some point, I also had not to treat certain hours so that I could take care of the billing. Once I was more proactively reducing my treating hours, I was maybe chunking time every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning. The rest of the time I’ll do billing and other business stuff and slowly reducing to maybe just Tuesday and Thursday. When I was treating, I was trying to at least have two days a week so that if someone needed to come in more than once a week, I can still see them. I was slowly reducing hours and trying to make it an efficient way to do that. I would chunk times where I’d be treating some, but the rest of the time would be more business stuff.

There’s a concern with some owners that I talked to that the team around them is going to look at them oddly or think differently of them if they’re not treating and they’re pulling themselves out to work on the business. Did you have any pushback from your team or did you have to explain yourself to them very much?

I did not get any pushback from my team. I didn’t have to explain myself, but I often felt like I should. That might be a common experience that owners have when they start pulling themselves out that they have to justify what they’re doing. I think I’m lucky that I believe my team knows that I’m still working even if I’m not treating or at the office. It’s clear that I’m still doing a lot of stuff. I don’t think that they feel that way but I could be wrong.

I know that’s a fear that comes up often. Maybe it’s an unrealized fear, but it’s something that within the owners that I talked to. I went through it myself. “What are they going to think about me when I’m sitting back in my office? What if I’m not here for hours at a time between 7:00 AM and 6:00 PM, what are they going to think about me? I need to at least show my face and step foot in the clinic.” I think those are fears that often go unrealized. I’m glad to hear that you had a similar experience that it wasn’t all that difficult and there wasn’t a lot of pushback at all. They understand. Tell us a little bit about what your coach has done with you during the course of the pandemic? How did your coach help you through those few months?

I’ll give a little bit of background on the coach. It’s part of a group. There’s coaching. I get one coach and we have bi-monthly calls. In addition to that, there are quarterly workshops. There was a workshop on March 18th and that got switched over to a virtual workshop. I think we closed our doors the day before or something and there was a workshop which was good timing because we all got together. We were able to talk about all the issues. I would say the first thing that we talked about was to focus on yourself. Focus on making sure you’re safe. Not necessarily safe from Coronavirus, but safe financially, knowing that you have some type of a line of credit or emergency fund. First, look over the numbers and make sure you know what’s going on.

You had Eric Miller on a while back and he was talking about profit first and money management system. I started reading and implementing some of the practices. Even before this all happened, I was already creating some small type of emergency fund. When this all happened, I didn’t have to stress immediately. It wasn’t like it was stress-free, but I had a little bit of reserve that I was setting aside. You need that because of something like this. That was very helpful. The second thing that we talked about at that workshop was after you first look at yourself and your finances and the business, and make sure you’re safe, then make your team feel safe.

After you first look at yourself, your finances, and the business, then make your team feel safe.
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I talk to them about, “I’ve got this emergency fund. I’m applying to the PPP. This is how I think we’re going to do things,” to make sure that they know that their job is secure or how we’re going to proceed with that. Those two were big because I wouldn’t have known to do that. Having that guidance and the ability to talk it through with other people in the same situation was huge. There was one other thing that I can’t remember. There was another main point that I remember from that initial workshop. After that, moving forward, I still had my calls with my coach. Before Coronavirus, we’d probably talk more about strategic stuff and how to fix operating procedures. Now is more of like, “Let’s take this week by week and figure out what we need to deal with.” If there’s something that comes up and how to do anything, how to feel you’re not so overwhelmed that the business needs to close down.

It was interesting talking to clients because no longer were we talking about KPIs and your stats so much that we normally would have. Those were out the window or implementing new programs and stuff like that. Things change week to week. You weren’t quite sure what was up and what was down. You handled it as it came up very much more reactive to the situation. You would talk about, how are you doing with the funds? How are you doing yourself? I also stressed more with my clients, maybe considering what are you going to do differently when you open up? What are the things you would consider changing? Are you going to bring all your team back or just those who are well aligned with you? Over that time, did you work on your business quite a bit, thinking forward, like, “When I open up, I’m going to do things differently,” or were you so ingrained that you had to deal with the day-to-day?

That was the third thing and you’ve been saying that in the show. It was like, “Take this time as a reboot and focus on your business and think about what you could be different and what you could improve.” Thankfully, I got the PPP funds early on. Once I got that, it made everything a lot less stressful. We’re able to focus on the business. I did focus on the business a lot. One of the things I wanted to do for a long time was to get a billing company or hire someone to do billing.

It didn’t make sense to do an in-house and train them. It didn’t seem appropriate anymore. I reached out to Will Humphreys  after hearing him on your show about how he was starting a billing company. I reached out to him and it seemed like a good fit. I also got in touch with you about it and you said it could be a good fit. We went ahead and that was one of the big changes for me, but also for the business because there were many things that we were doing that probably were inefficient. Having an experienced billing company take over was much better for the business. That was certainly one of the things we did. The other thing since we had a little more time, their caseload was down, we switched to EMR software. That was also a big thing to take over.

Can I ask you what you switched to and from?

We switched from WebPT to Prompt. It is a newer company. They are a young company, but I can see that they’re going to continue to develop their software to potentially be the best or one of the best. In full disclosure, I don’t think they are the best yet, but I think that they will be or at least better than a lot. I felt it was a good time to change because things were a little slow. Honestly, we had a little bit of time because we’ve had PPP funds and that’s what it’s for. I paid my staff and we had a little extra time to learn about our new system. Whereas if it was regular time, it would be overwhelming. You have a full caseload, and to try to switch over to a new EMR software is not a fun thing to do.

It is a huge transition. It is time-consuming, energy-consuming, emotional, and all that kind of stuff. I have to give you kudos for taking the opportunity to make some significant changes in your business. I know you are personally doing the billing, but making that billing decision is huge in and of itself. Maybe we can talk to your mindset as you went through that a little bit, but also changing EMR. Most of us probably know what painstaking process that is. For Prompt , I’ve had the owners on before. I liked their platform and they’re going to do great things because they are quite capable of responding to the needs of the owners. I think it’s going to bear fruit and become a great system.

As a side note, I liked the fact that they’re focusing on project management or company management in obtaining the data that you need and the KPIs that you’re looking for and the reports that you need to manage your business. I like that part because a lot of EMR are lacking when it comes to providing the owners the reports that they need. To go back, what was your mindset? Why didn’t you simply hire on an experienced biller and instead bring on a billing company? Even in my experience, I’d usually recommend people have their own billing departments so they can manage it and oversee it immediately and have people that are aligned with them. In your situation, I thought maybe that was a better move for you to hire out. What was your thought process in going with a billing company over hiring someone?

I had a few different thoughts. One was the nature of the global pandemic. I didn’t want to take on more risks of hiring someone, take the time to train them, who knows if they get sick, who knows if they’re going to be good. I didn’t want to add another stress. If I could find an experienced billing company that I know that they’re going to do a good job from the beginning and I don’t need to train them, it would make it a lot less stressful. I think this helped persuade me a little bit to go with Will and Katie. It’s that Will offered some coaching along with the billing company. Obviously, I’m into the coaching aspect of things. I thought that was cool to get an additional coach out of it.

PTO 112 | Working Through COVID-19
Working Through COVID-19: Focus on your team because, now more than ever, it is important to have such a strong foundation—a team that is there and able to function and take the business where it needs to go.


I think that could have been the thing that tipped the scale. At this point, one of my main reasons is I don’t want to have to worry about training, what if they do a bad job, and then I have to start over. The third thing was I just started with them and there’s no way to know. I believe from what they showed me, they were going to provide reports, check-in, and tell me all the things that they were working on and what they’re collecting. That’s what they were all about. “We want to communicate with you as much as possible and perhaps overly communicate to let you know what we’re looking at and what we’re collecting.” Those are some of the reasons why one would want an in-house so that you can better manage and know what your biller is doing. I got the sense from them that they were going to provide that and stay accountable for what they said they were going to do.

I can see the dilemma that you have there. When you consider bringing on a billing person for the first time, you’re taking a big leap of faith that that person has the experience that they can do the things that they say they can do. Add that to your payroll and benefits that you might have to provide and trusting in them to honestly provide you the reports that you need. That’s not necessarily even in our wheelhouse. Most owners don’t know how to tell if their billing person is doing well. They’re relying on the billing person telling them, “We’re doing well.” There’s always that question in the back of your mind, “How do I know?” You have to go on faith.

In your situation, especially as a small business owner to bring on that one person is a big leap of faith. Whereas if you have the opportunity to go with someone that you can trust, at least you know that they have a ton of experience coming in behind them with billing and PT-specific billing, you don’t have to go through the hiring process. You can trust that they know the language, that they know physical therapy, that they know what they’re looking at when they’re looking at your EMR system, and the financial reports that it pushes out. You don’t have to train them on the EMR system at all. All those things can be to your favor, especially as a small clinic owner like you are instead of bringing somebody on. I’m interested to follow along and see how that works out for you, but I’m confident that it will.

I think you would probably know more than anyone else.

I can trust Will and Katie, especially Katie did great things for us in our billing. She was our billing department head. I’m sure they’ll do well. It’s important that you also take the time and effort like you did to sit down and weigh the pros and cons before you make that decision. You have to put so much emphasis on that money line and make sure that you have full control of it.

The truth is for months, I was putting out job posts for billers. Hiring is hard in general for all the reasons. I was putting it out on Indeed and I was getting thousands of applicants. It was hard to even weed out any of them to determine if they’re good or not. Half of them didn’t even have any billing experience. I also got burned out from that process too. It was the part where I was like, “I need to hire someone. Here’s someone who’s going to do a good job.” If it wasn’t for me feeling confident that they were going to do a good job, obviously that would be a different story, but I got the sense that they were going to do a good job. They were going to report and communicate. Those are the things that I would want. Maybe it’s cheaper, maybe it’s not. That wasn’t the biggest concern because as much as every dollar matters, especially during these times, I needed to have certain things work well. I needed it to work so that it was worth spending a little bit more. It may not even be a little bit more. It depends.

You’ve opened up since June 2020 and we’re in the middle of July. How have things gone ramping back up? Have you had any hiccups in opening back up or things that have maybe changes that you’ve made that have worked out well?

Some of the changes were by the very nature of us already being a small clinic. When Coronavirus started, we only had two PTs plus myself. When I removed myself, we had two therapists. The office is set up that we can basically have two areas. We have one PT and their patients on one side of the office and one in a completely separate area, a different room. We tried to follow CDC guidelines and make it safe, clean, and try to set up protocols to prevent as much overlap of patients. Telling them to wear masks, to not come in and wait in the waiting room, all that type of stuff.

Those were the logistical things that we had to figure out. The nature of us, the size of our clinic, it worked to our advantage that it was seamless. Other than that, we were already treating one patient at a time. We didn’t have to change our model or anything. For the most part, things were okay with that. It was more trying to come up with protocols. We had someone who called in and said they want to be a patient, but they had a positive Coronavirus test. The question is, at what point are we allowed to let them in? We don’t know these things and we have to figure them out as they come along.

The best thing a leader could do is invest in their team, so they all become even stronger.
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Someone calls and said they had Coronavirus. They did test positive, but they’re not showing symptoms. Are we okay with that or not? Honestly, I don’t think there’s the best guidance out there from anywhere. We come up with these policies. We’re trying to figure it out. We’re consulting with other medical professionals and trying to do the best we can. We’re trying to be as safe as possible. We are trying to figure out all those things, but the biggest challenge moving forward is knowing that it’s probably going to keep coming up.

Are you getting a lot of your new patients from doctor referrals or our doctors back in your area and treating and referring patients or have you had to change some of your marketing strategies?

Most of our patient referrals are not from doctors. It’s hard to say, but I would guess at least half of our patients come new referrals come from direct marketing through Google Ads. To answer your question about the doctors, we don’t have very many doctors that consistently send, but a few of them, once they started doing surgeries again, started sending patients. The Google Ads was interesting because from March 2020 through June 2020, the ads were not performing like they used to. That was something we were having to figure out if it was because of Coronavirus. Did Google change something with their analytics? Google did change stuff. Even with getting Google reviews, they weren’t posting your reviews right away. If a patient wrote a review, I don’t know why they did it exactly. They did some extra process of screening the reviews for whatever reason or maybe they had fewer steps.

We all rely on those reviews. That was interesting to see, but I wonder if they changed something with the ads as well. Whatever it was, we went through this process of testing ads, changing the website, and tracking things differently. Eventually, I think once, people became a little bit less scared to go out in public things, it became a little bit back to normal on the ad side of the thing. It could have been that people weren’t wanting to come anymore because no one knew what was going on and people wanted to stay home.

Did you have to change your message much on your Google Ads?

No. Even throughout the time when the ads were running, most of the conversions were coming from the regular ads and not the ones promoting virtual therapy. Even if they were calling to make an appointment through telehealth, they were still clicking on the original ad.

What are your plans going forward as you’re looking forward to the end of 2020 and the beginning of 2021? How have your goals changed? What are your projections? What are you thinking is going to happen here towards the end of 2020?

To be honest, my answer is probably the same as it was at the end of the last interview. I’m focusing on my team because I realized more even now than ever how important it is to have such a strong foundation. Foundation doesn’t mean that your systems are in place. It means that your team is there and that they’re able to function and take the business where it needs to go. Just like I saw, they were able to step up, be super proactive, do the things that we needed to do for our business to survive this. Interestingly enough, we had another workshop at the beginning of July. Before that workshop, I had my first coaching call with Will.

Will recommended that I start reading the book, Start With Why . On the workshop, they started talking about Start With Why , which was cool because then it’s a little bit of reassuring that different coaches are talking about the same thing. That’s nice to see. Ultimately, coming up with the why and my purpose statement, trying to differentiate that with my vision, our mission statement, and our values. I’ve been focusing on that because I want to get my team involved. I want to have them help with creating that vision and us all figuring out not just what I want from the visits, but I want to know what they want to get out of it. How are they? Could they be doing more? Do they want to be doing more? What do they want?

That will help us all be even more of a team because we all know exactly with the end in mind, what we’re trying to achieve. I want to focus more on my team. Now, I don’t know if it’s the right time to hire or not. That’s the biggest challenge I have. I don’t know how to figure that out because who knows, you hire someone and two weeks from now, there’s a second wave and everyone shuts down. You have to furlough or lay off and you just hired someone. That might be another stress that I don’t want to deal with. At the same time, I want the business to continue to grow. It’s a hard thing to figure out but I do recognize that with the team that I have, they’re a great team. I feel that the best thing I could do is invest in them so we all become even stronger. On the other side of this, everything has to be easy after this.

PTO 112 | Working Through COVID-19
Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action

I love that both of your coaches started talking about purpose. Simon Sinek’s TED Talk is one of the more popular ones for a reason. That was many years ago and it’s about Start With Why  and he has a book from it. It’s super popular as well, but it all comes back to your purpose and making sure you’re aligned. That’s one of the first things I do then with my clients is to make sure that they have a purpose professionally and recommend that they find one personally as well. Also, incorporate values and getting the team involved with that. In that way, you’re aligned and you start working with team members who are value-aligned. You start bringing on more people who are value-aligned and the growth can then accelerate exponentially.

I think you recognize what people who are in alignment with you do for you when troubled times come up. Those people who aren’t aligned with you, they would have been the people who were like, “I’m just going to hang out. I’m not going to do as much. There’s nothing to do. I can’t get these patients to respond.” Whereas your team, thankfully, you’ve got some great team members who were focused on, “No, we’re going to push through this. We’re going to get the patients the care that they need. We’re going to make this telehealth service thing work.” I think it’s a great place to start and focus on your team and making sure you have a firm foundation to build off of. It’s awesome to hear that you’re heading in that direction. Going forward, what are your goals then for 2021? Are you keeping things at bay for a little bit until you see that we’re out of the woods here?

Yes, keeping things at bay, but the next goal is hiring to grow. With some of the things that I’ve been able to accomplish when it’s time to hire, I think we’ll be ready. Getting myself out of treating, getting the billing taken care of, we’ve got the new EMR that we’re working on, that we’re getting more comfortable with. Personally, without the team, I’m working on the purpose and the vision. The next step would be to do that and try to develop that with them as a team. I think our foundation is going to be super strong.

We can grow exponentially from that. When that happens and also when it feels a little bit, maybe more certain or safer to hire on someone else and take it to the next level. One caveat though, it’s also a little bit hard to figure out how to bring on more people. If we’re trying to figure out safety protocols and keeping distance, it’s hard with the space that you have. If I bring on another PT, where do we put them so that we can still maintain that space between the patients and the other therapist? That’s also another hard challenge to figure out. Moving forward, when things slow down a little bit, become a little bit safer, more certain, my next goal is to hire and develop those senior PTs and clinical directors. To give them a little bit more not responsibility, but more overcharge on what they’re doing at work and allowing them to also grow the business. Not just for the business, but for themselves professionally as well.

I see the same for you. I think your next step is to gradually get to the point where you’re bringing on other people and starting to develop a leadership team. You’re doing all the leadership, but for you to move up, you need to start building up people who can take on responsibilities on your behalf and start managing and being responsible for more than treating patients. That’s when you start developing the leadership team. A lot of PTs are looking for that opportunity. You’re going to be able to provide that for your team and they’ll be excited about it. That’s a cool next step. It takes some time and some effort, but it looks like that’s where you’re going.

I’m excited about it. It seems like that’s where we’re heading almost not just naturally, but also putting in a lot of work to get it there and the coaching and everything. I feel like what you just said, I think that my team wants it too. They want to be doing more and they’ll thrive at it.

Congratulations on the changes that you made. What’s cool about your story is that looking back, the time that you were shut down sucks, but you took advantage of the opportunity to make some positive changes in your business and going forward, you’re optimistic. You can look forward to more changes in the future now that things were somewhat normalized. Also, you seem to be prepared if things don’t go back the other direction. You’ve been through it. You’re even better established now. You know what you would need to do if another shutdown occurred. Congratulations on better establishing your business and making some positive moves forward in light of the pandemic. It’s cool to catch up with you.

It’s always fun talking to you.

We’ll catch up again.  I’ll talk to you later.

Thank you, Nathan.


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About Avi Zinn

PTO 112 | Working Through COVID-19Dr. Avi Zinn, PT, DPT, OCS is the owner of Druid Hills Physical Therapy in Atlanta, Georgia. He opened his practice at the end of 2017 and has slowly built it up—transitioning from a staff of one (himself) to a team of administrative staff and treating therapists. He continues to grow the practice gradually. Avi’s main mission for Druid Hills PT is to provide high-quality, personalized care to each and every one of his patients.

Avi has his doctorate in physical therapy from Touro College, and is a Certified Orthopedic Clinical Specialist. He lives with his wife and three children in Atlanta.


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