In today’s challenging economic climate, inflation has posed a considerable burden on Physical Therapy Owners, driving up the costs of administrative positions. However, the solution to this issue might be closer than you think. Join us on the PT Owners Club podcast as we explore how leveraging Virtual Assistants (VAs) can revolutionize your practice, not only by reducing costs but also by improving efficiency. Our guest, Will Humphreys, PT of Rockstar Admins, discusses how his company has redefined the game for PT owners by connecting them with skilled VAs who align with their specific needs. He shares how his innovative recruiting firm for VAs can transform businesses, saving them valuable time and energy. Join us in learning how the strategic use of virtual assistants can be a game-changer, making your life as a PT owner more manageable and profitable!
I got my longtime buddy and friend, Will Humphreys with me again. Thanks for joining.
It’s great to be with you, Nathan. Thanks for having me again.
It’s great to reconnect. It’s been maybe a couple of months since you’ve been on the show, which is always too long.
I feel like it is. I don’t know about you. I’m hoping your people aren’t getting sick of me, but I love coming on your show. It’s the best one.
Whether they hate you or not, I’m going to bring you back on. They’ll have to suffer through another episode. I’m not getting any hate mail yet. We’ll keep going in this direction.
Let’s stick with it. It’s a good idea.
I’m excited about this direction that you’re going. You’ve always got something new going on. You’ve got Rockstar Recruiter and In The Black billing collections. You’re always doing something. You’ve got multiple exits. You’ve got something cool. What I love about this is the idea that you’re going to save owners tens of thousands of dollars, decreasing their overhead in relation to HR expenses and providing a huge benefit to offload owners altogether. That’s something cool that I haven’t seen a lot of in your other programs, but in this particular one, the fact that you’re able to save so much money for owners and offload them at the same time is awesome.
I feel I finally struck a nerve in the industry that’s going to change the industry. Everything that I’m doing is meant to serve the PT owner world. I am a diehard entrepreneur. I can’t help myself. I love these things. They aren’t unrelated. All of these things that I do are related to being with PT owners. What is it that you need help with? There’s a lot that I can’t help with. I don’t know everything. I know things that I can do well. It always comes back to recruiting.
No matter what I do, whether it’s a billing company or helping you exit your practice, where people need the most help is always with their people. It is building that dream team. That’s the thing that I love most. My favorite thing in this life is turning teams into families. Those are the skills I learned to turn my family into a team years ago.
Over years of having horrible experiences with team members, I finally feel like I found the thing, Nathan, that is going to change the industry forever. In everything else that I’ve done, this hasn’t had the biggest impact in the least amount of time. It takes the least amount of effort for my partners, and it is growing the fastest. I wake up early to think about this particular service and program.
This thing we’re going to talk about is like a rising tide. It makes everything else better. It brings in more profits. It’s one of the first things I’ve ever done where I’m doing it for my partners. I’m not just helping them to do it themselves. I’m doing it for them. It’s been unreal. It saves tens of thousands of dollars of pure profit each year by doing less work.
Let’s pull back the curtain. What are you doing?
Rockstar Recruiter has started hiring international contractors to help place the best people in PT practices to offload all of their administrative duties. My passion is finding great people. I started with my billing company several years ago, realizing that we were never going to be profitable unless we went somewhat overseas. All of our main billers are American. I started looking for supportive roles overseas.
I started with a third-party company, which is what I am now, and they sucked at it. They would find these desperate Filipinos and pay them $3 an hour. They would charge me $15 an hour. I was still thrilled to have it. Sometimes, it was $13 an hour. They would make all that profit in the middle. They weren’t even finding me great people. I was finding 1 good person out of every 5.
Years ago, I started legally learning how to build out a direct recruiting system. For healthcare companies, there are HIPAA laws you have to be careful of. There are all of these international contracts you have to build out to build a third-party company. If people hire virtual assistants, 1 or 2, you’re probably going to be okay. When you’re building out a team, and you want to work with patient data and information, you’ve got to cross your I’s and dot your T’s.
It’s one of those deals where we’ve been doing it for several years. We have fifteen employees In The Black who do nothing but tech work for billing. They’re not the main accounts receivable people, but they do a lot of cleanup. They were some of the best people we got to work with. I hire them directly for $6 to $8 an hour. This is life-changing money to them because most of these companies are paying them $3 or $4 an hour. That’s good money for these individuals. I’m doubling that.
Every time I put an ad out, I’d get hundreds of resumes. Starting several months ago, people in my Rockstar Recruiter program were saying, “Will, the program is great, but I don’t have time to do email blasts to PTs.” It is one of the many things I teach. I said, “Why don’t you hire someone overseas who knows how to do that?” They said, “We don’t know how to do that.” I gave them all my contracts and legal steps they had to do, and they said, “No. At the end of the day, I don’t want to waste time doing anything other than overseeing my therapy.”
I piloted a program. Within 30 days, the two companies I worked with both came back and said, “Will, this has changed our business forever.” I’m not exaggerating. One quote was, “This changed my life.” It sounds dramatic, but when you work with the front desk who hates their job, it does change your life when you have someone overseas who’s like, “Thank you so much for the job.” They start crying.
This isn’t about saving money. Each hire that I find for my people saves them a minimum of $10,000 of pure profit comparatively of hiring at $16 an hour, a front desk. What I do will see guaranteed $10,000 a year of pure profit. You have someone who is over-the-top amazing with perfect English. In many cases, Nathan, we’re hiring physical therapists who are certified in the Philippines who are making more money answering the phones, talking to patients, and scheduling them, which is one of many things you can hire overseas help to do.
The magic formula here is that I get to do what I love best. I have a team of people who interview and source the best of the best because I’m paying more than anyone else. I am using my methodology on how to find the best talent possible. I’m comparing that against a survey that I’ll do with each person who comes on. I find the perfect avatar and match that against the avatar that we find and create with our PT partners. The home run is almost immediate. There’s a two-week training process that there’s some warming up on.
You do all the training for them.
We are building towards that. We don’t have it all for every position, but it will be done in the next several months. We’re going to have everything built out. When you hire from me, you don’t have to pay any additional training fees, but we do help guide you where you should go. We do have a perfect-fit hiring solution. It is how we build your avatar and find that person. We have another program called the Simple and Secure Setup System, where we will teach you how to be electronically protected against hackers and all the different things that could be involved. We have those things built out, but training the people is still in development in certain hats for sure.
I love that you’re getting into this because the idea of using virtual assistants has been around forever. It’s outsourcing. It’s been around for decades. Tim Ferriss mentioned it in The 4-Hour Workweek . That was several years ago. I don’t remember when he wrote it, but it still stands up. He talked about using virtual assistants.
The drawback that people tend to see is what those initial Rockstar Recruiter clients mentioned, “I don’t want to figure out the international aspects. Are they bound to the HIPAA requirements that I have? How do I protect myself in that situation? How do I recruit? How do I find them? Where do I go?” They don’t want to do all that, even though they could see the immediate benefit that could come from it.
For those people who haven’t used foreign virtual assistants, maybe they don’t know if it’s going to work well or not until they talk to people like you or my business partner, Adam Robin. Two of the main cogs in his clinics are virtual assistant assistants that he’s used for years. They come in on the staff meetings via Zoom. They’re building out programs, protocols, and systems.
One of the main guys on his team got a Master’s Degree in Psychology in the Philippines. Nonetheless, he’s a smart guy. What Adam can pay him compared to what he can get in the Philippines is crazy amounts of money. These people are living well on what we’re paying them. For us, it’s a huge value. If we can bring those two things together and help those owners who need to offload tasks and save them money at the same time, considering inflation and all these things that are squeezing us hard, it’s a home run.
What you’re doing is amazing. If someone’s considering VAs, whether they use you or they don’t use you, where do you find the greatest impact that those VAs can make? What tasks are they doing? Where are they creating the greatest impacts? What departments seem to work best that seem to do well for owners?
Most people are like, “I love the idea. Where do I begin?” It always begins with tasks. As a quick side note, one of the things that we do at Rockstar Recruiter is this program called Rockstar Admin. It is to give it some specialization. Virtual assistance is a broad term. We want to rebrand it. What we do is walk them through that process because there are many tasks that they could be doing, and not every case is going to be the same.
We put them into five buckets. The first bucket would be the lowest hanging fruit, insurance verification, authorization, getting authorizations, medical claims, anyone who has medical records requests, pulling stats, and all of those types of time-consuming functions. Anything you can think of in that domain would be in the first hat. It is entry-level.
We are growing fast. The most we can handle is seven per month. We’ve been taking seven per month for the last few months. We are starting to build a waiting list because we don’t want to scale faster than we can provide great care. The vast majority of our people within a month want a second admin or another virtual admin. They’re like, “This is great. This was a home run. I need a second.” The second hat usually goes into patient scheduling. This is a different level for people.
Once you get the people overseas interacting with the patients, that’s when the fear usually goes up. Even though we don’t have the system completely built out yet, we have guided multiple companies into setting it up. It’s never failed. Every single time that we’ve done this, the reports that I hear from our clients are, “I can’t believe how quiet my front desk is. My patients’ arrival has gone up. My patient arrival rate has improved.”
Why is that? It is because you have people on the phone who want to do a good job because this is life-changing money. They’re needed. As a matter of fact, we’ve partnered with Dee Bills from Front Office GURU. We have a cool offer for people who want both Rockstar Admin and Front Office GURU. All the training in the world can’t make up for a lack of willingness.
All the training in the world can't make up for a lack of willingness.
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It’s amazing how little training you need when you have a licensed physical therapist answering your patient’s phone call and scheduling that patient out. There’s a different level of customer service. We’ve only had a handful of times where we’ve even heard that the old patients even noticed or even cared that there was a slight accent on the other line. Surprisingly, that has been a non-issue across the board.
The third hat, once they do like the obvious low-hanging fruit and they replace their phones, some people are also at a place where they’re looking to replace marketing systems. We have marketing systems in place to do everything from patient newsletters to email campaigns to calling the patient file program. We have clients who are piloting that. If people join Rockstar Recruiter, they get a virtual admin. Nowadays, you don’t join Rockstar Recruiter without also hiring an admin.
They have to join marketing campaigns to get new patients. They’re running marketing campaigns to recruit PTs.
The person I have who’s doing that for some of my clients has several years of experience doing online recruiting for physical therapists for a large company out of New York. She speaks the language. She’s missing some of my training. The first thing I did when I hired her was take her through Rockstar Recruiters online hiring program for PTs.
She was like, “This is filling in the gaps for me.” She’s doing that with some of our clients. Lastly, there are specialized services. We can hire people to do billing. Sometimes, people are small and don’t want a big billing company. We can help people find billers and bookkeepers. That’s an easy one to find with an incredible exchange. You’re going to pay a little bit more for a bookkeeper.
You’re not paying $30 or $50.
No, it’s a fraction of that. Those are the five tasks. What we do at Rockstar Admin, which again is a subsidiary of Rockstar Recruiter, is we first sit down with our clients. Most people don’t call me because they want a virtual administrator. They called me to find out about it. What we do is find out through our process what the perfect avatar would be. Sometimes, it’s a mix of things. We find a mix. Without signing a contract, we put them in a group interview where we have people show up.
That’s one of the many steps we take in our perfect-fit hiring solution. No one signs any contract until they already have this amazing person that they’re excited about. There are no long-term commitments. People can be like, “Give me a two-week notice.” What has happened is they’ll find someone, and sometimes it’s not a perfect fit. They’ll go, “Will, find me someone else.” I take on all the responsibility of offboarding that person and finding someone else. There’s no time involved in that.
It’s important to recognize that if owners are looking to use virtual assistants that are foreign-born, whether it’s Middle Eastern, I’ve got a partner who has a Pakistani CFO for her company, and he used to teach in the States. What she pays him is $20 an hour. He’s got Master’s PhD level training in the States. She can run all the spreadsheets for her. What I’m trying to say is a lot of the people that you find are going to have some training in the areas that you’re looking for. They’re not coming to you completely beginner novices trying to figure out Excel.
We don’t have an official training program for insurance verification or insurance authorization, but in every case, we have found someone who has extensive experience doing that and, sometimes, in physical therapy. Training has not been a problem. I want to create that training to make it even easier for people to work with us. That is an understandable concern if you’ve never done it before. Once they’ve hired someone, they can see how quickly those people train, how well they execute, how much money they save, and how that changes the life of that family. They want the second person right away.
The purpose of my company I’m super excited about. The purpose of this is to strengthen and build families. When we can hire an amazing, dedicated person, it builds our work family. We can financially change their family’s future because we’re paying them what they would never be able to get in the Philippines.
When we have that result, that gives us the freedom and time to be more present with our own family. It’s the easiest home run and has been the greatest joy. I love everything I’ve built, but it’s all of those things have been built around other people. Katie Archibald is in the billing company. She’s the CEO. I’m still in that company 3 or 4 hours a week.
This is my heart and my greatest passion. I love the fact that people can get results. Usually, it takes 4 to 6 weeks to find a front desk. It’s the best person I can get at the cheapest amount. Flipping that paradigm and getting people rockstars. Sometimes, it is as little as 72 hours. My partner told me what their dream would be, and I showed up two days later with that person. It’s one of the coolest things I’ve ever experienced professionally.
What do you find has been the biggest hurdle for those people? Maybe they’re dipping their toe in the water, and they’re not sure if they want to go down this route, but they hear about people using VAs. They’ve read about it. Adam has VAs, and maybe I’ve mentioned it on the show before. What is their biggest hurdle, as they’re talking to you about it, that you have to overcome?
The biggest thing is the mindset shift of identifying that it won’t be all the negative things that we associate with outsourcing overseas. When I call customer service, who doesn’t want to go crazy when you can barely understand that person? They do not understand your complaint. Disassociating that experience from what we are doing has been the only hurdle because everything else is black and white.
I don’t think a lot of people would love as much as I and my team do, sourcing candidates, but we do. We get so much energy from it. As a result of that, most people are on board quickly. That’s the only concern that comes up. It’s like, “What if my patients think that I’m outsourcing overseas in India?” Once they meet their potential candidate, that goes away immediately. I don’t even resolve it. I tell them, “Leave it to me to find that person. When you meet them and you have any questions, don’t move forward. We’ll part as friends. I will find a home for that person. When I introduce the rockstar from overseas to the PT, 100% of the time, they move forward because they can see it.
Which one of us hasn’t had a bad experience with those customer service calls with someone from outside the United States? I’m like, “I don’t want my clinic to be represented in that way.” That’s where the onus is upon you, 1) To source the right people, and 2) You’re not doing this in a vacuum without presenting that candidate to the owner. There’s another filter. The owner got to be happy with their capabilities with the English language, with what they’re expected to do, and the responsibilities that they’re about to have, express their past experience and the questions that they might have and concerns in regards to that.
The cool thing about it, and you mentioned this in a previous call, is that because they’re getting paid well, they are committed. They’re not wishy-washy. They’re going to show up. We’re not in the same time zone as the Philippines. They will work late at night, whatever it takes to work within our hours, because 1) They understand the opportunity that they have in the jobs that we’re providing.
2) They want to show their best. If they weren’t to work with one clinic and that might not look well for them, they want to stay with Rockstar Admins so they can find another clinic if need be. They’re incentivized in many different ways to support their families and to commit to the PT owners that you’re connecting them with.
I have never been in a position where I offer people a job and start crying. They’re professional. You say, “Congratulations. You’ve been selected.” They bow their head. It’s humbling. In The Black, we’ve had some overseas team members now for several years. We have some of our team members who have been with us that long.
They’ll share in our town halls that their personal win is that they were able to afford a refrigerator freezer that they’ve never been able to buy before. They’ve never had one. They were like, “I can take care of my parents who’ve been living with me, and we get them healthcare.” For me, that’s the difference. There might be some people in PT doing this, but most of our “competitors” are looking for a bigger margin. They’re getting people as little as possible. Once you’re on the hook, they’re out of the picture.
The other thing that we’re passionate about is developing a real relationship with these people in the Philippines. I personally run a leadership training program specific to members of my Philippines team. Everyone that I hire for other PT owners, I meet with them once a week. It’s a half hour. We do check-ins, and we look for questions that we can help them with. I train them on principles, concepts, and leadership. My vision is to help them develop into entrepreneurs. In 3 to 5 years’ time, they’re looking to start their own businesses in these developing countries.
They will work through the night, which is what they have to do. The reason I chose the Philippines, Nate, is because it is the most developed of all these countries that work overseas for American international contractors. They have the greatest infrastructure because Americans have been over there for the longest amount of time.
The Philippines is the most developed of all these countries that work overseas for American International contractors.
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I do want to expand into other countries. I’m talking to some groups in Guatemala because they’re going to be in the same time zone. To me, mental health matters. People have sunlight. We’re meant to sleep at night. I don’t love the fact that I’m building this quickly in the Philippines that is going to sleep-deprive those individuals. At the same time, this is such a life-changing experience.
The other thing that’s cool is that we have launched a new charity. That is going to be associated with the Philippines business where, for every purchase, we’re going to be donating additional money to help create training opportunities for people in the Philippines who don’t have access to computers and other types of communicative equipment.
We have no obligation for them to work for Rockstar. We want to find individuals who are desperately trying to take care of their family, who can’t afford it, and who’ve never had the training to provide the training and equipment for those individuals so they can set up their own independent contractor businesses. For everyone that comes on, we’re making a donation to that and supporting that organization. I plan on going over there every year minimally. They’re waiting for me. I’m bringing all my T-shirts with me because shipping a T-shirt over there is expensive. It’s $60 something.
It benefits the owners directly and indirectly. What I mean by that is taking some of the work off of the front desk, in and of itself, would be a huge win. I’m sure doing some of these other things directly decreases the load on owners. How have you seen it affect the owners directly?
First and foremost, the whole hiring process is exhaustive. From the time that that person at the front desk resigns or you fire them to the time that someone else is put in place, every day that role isn’t replaced, we’re losing money, not to mention the fact that 30% of all of our rejections are accounted to mistakes made at the front desk by people who aren’t doing their job the right way.
When you have someone who’s quitting, the owners have to put so much work into finding a replacement. We do all of that work. It’s useful because they don’t have to put a job ad out and spend an hour with each person. The reason we can do that is because we’re doing it all day, every day now, where we are constantly sourcing individuals with various skillsets. When you say, “Will, I’m ready to hire,” you give me your needs. We can fill that person incredibly fast. These people also require a lot less training because they have a lot of experience working in large medical systems or our physical therapists.
When you have someone who's quitting, the owners have to put so much work into finding a replacement.
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The first benefit is the fact that the PT owner doesn’t have to spend even a fraction of the time or energy looking for people. I do the interviews with them or a team member. We do the interviews with the owner so that they spend, on average, two hours max doing interviews, and that’s it. That’s interviewing more than two people. You’re interviewing up to 6, sometimes up to 8 people in those 2 hours. That includes meeting with us to determine what you need to hire.
The second benefit is the liability. We take on that liability. If you’re leasing employees for me, you are not on the hook in the same way around HIPAA violations or any of that other risky stuff that comes online. The second benefit is the liability mitigation that happens when you work with a company like mine. The third is the training. Even though it’s not fully built out yet, the leadership training and relationships, I’m there to help the Filipinos and the owners whenever there’s a bridge or an issue that needs to be resolved. My team can sometimes step in efficiently and help on that end.
The other benefit is the money. If you’re looking at a $16 per hour employee, we’re looking at a $10,000 annual savings in addition to all that fast sourcing, $10,000 of pure profit that goes back into that PT owner’s pocket immediately. What oftentimes happens is PT owners will come to me and hire someone overseas to replace half of a person or give an assistant to the front desk. Within a month, they’re firing their front desks, and they’re completely outsourcing everybody. It depends on what works best for them.
Another huge benefit is knowing that when you’re hiring someone from the front desk, I don’t know how many people have ever cried because they’re happy that their dreams have been fulfilled to be answering the phones or doing insurance verification. I love the fact that our owners know they’re making a difference, not by hiring and mentoring that person from the Philippines, but that my company is also going to make a donation with each person that they hire to help find other people who aren’t on their team to help change lives in the Philippines. Honestly, it’s a lot easier. It’s fast and saves a ton of money. That’s why it’s been such a home run.
I had the Lucases from Virtual Sally on a few episodes ago. They’re showing how they can use these kiosks to represent the front desk, either in total or in some collaborative fashion with a physical presence. Are you seeing your VAs take over responsibilities or periods of time at the front desk in place of somebody to welcome patients in and collect copays?
There are two schools of thought. I love Virtual Sally. It’s fantastic. I know Wendy. She and I are meeting because we see a big synergy between what we do. If I can find the best people, and she has the software and solution to completely automate that front desk experience, we see a real potential home run there. As we’re starting that relationship, what my clients have been doing is replacing their front desk and outsourcing it overseas. They have different ways of solving who walks in and greets them, everything from technicians who are assigned to be listening or watching.
I get that piece. I get the idea that you want someone to greet you when you walk in. I also don’t love paying $16 an hour since you can cheaply outsource everything else to have someone sitting at a desk. Virtual Sally is a great potential option. I’ve never worked with it yet. I would be hesitant to give my full recommendation to it other than to say that Wendy is the real deal. I’ve heard nothing but positive things about it. I’m excited about getting involved with them.
We also have a mutual friend, Pratik, in San Francisco. He’s outsourced a couple of his clinics with VAs from the Philippines. I don’t know what technologies he’s using, but there is software out there. The iPad that’s placed on the counter at the front desk recognizes motion. The camera comes on. Here’s the virtual assistant in the Philippines welcoming the person who walked through the door and saying, “Hello, Mr. Smith. How are you? Good to see you. Do we need to schedule any more appointments?” He’s able to do that. I don’t know what software he’s using at this time, but there is the capacity to do it. What I love about Virtual Sally is having that kiosk all in one place with a printer and the ability to pay right there at the moment.
I’m going to look into all the options because not one solution is going to be a catchall for all. Some people are going to insist that they have a physical person at the front. I don’t judge that. I don’t want people paying $16 an hour to have that. I’m saying $16 for an hour, but that’s cheap for someone to run the front desk.
If you’re reading in the future, $16 might be wishful thinking. We focus a lot on the front desk. What you’re talking about is where maybe my front desk is filled already. I’m happy with that person, but I don’t want to be tracking down my stats anymore. I don’t have anyone on my team that I want to take off the floor to do that. Could I use a bookkeeper to put my numbers together and maybe come up with some KPIs that I need to track on a weekly and monthly basis? Is there someone out there? What if they’re the perfect avatars with someone who built out systems and procedures for me?
I have it for my team.
For owners who are out there stressing about, “How do I get some of these things done? Where do I find the people? Where do I find good people?” it’s not all about front desk responsibilities. It’s about finding other things in your life that are an energy drain and things that do need to get done that could be beneficial to you and save time.
I love that you said that because it’s all about Who Not How , which is the book that you sent me. I’m giving you full credit for that. It’s not about, “How do I find more time?” It’s, “Who’s going to give me more time?” There’s no one who’s going to be more apt than these individuals who have this background. I have someone who goes through all of my emails. I have a personal executive assistant.
My personal team is being built out. I’ve hired two more people in the last several weeks for me because I’m drinking the Kool-Aid. I know what this is doing for me. It gives me more capability to help focus on what matters. I’ve got all these events that I speak at. She’s booking all my flights and events. I can train all of my PT partners how to work with those executive assistants because there is a way to show them. How do you share your credit card information? How do you teach them what your booking preferences are?
I have her go through my emails. I mark which emails I want her to unsubscribe from. My emails, every time I wake up, are getting smaller. There are certain emails she’s even responding to now. All the crap that isn’t in our wheelhouse, that is our passion. There are these people who love to free us up. When you go overseas, they can be amazing, but it’s like anything else in recruiting. Having few candidates makes it hard, but having too many candidates makes it hard, too.
The secret sauce with Rockstar is that’s my favorite thing. I believe my greatest skill is matchmaking. That’s your talent and skill. That’s his need or want. Let’s put those together. I am keeping those relationships on the back end. We have a full program where we teach you how to give reviews and what raises you should give them.
Nathan, I need to make sure I make mention of this. For all of our people, we are now providing healthcare benefits. Our biggest dream is to take developing countries and pull them into a developed status through entrepreneurship. We’re serious about our mission. We’re not trying to connect people and walk away. We’re building these people overseas into leaders. The front desk is where it’s the easiest to do. You get rid of those annoying tasks, and you save $10,000. What else could we give to someone else that could do a better job of this, like marketing? Instead of saving $10,000, you’re now making tens of thousands of dollars.
I don’t want to skip over the fact that many people have recruiting needs, that you could outsource this recruiting strategy that you’ve already built out so that the owners don’t have to be hands-on and do it all themselves. They’re dealing with trained people that you’ve trained to run the Rockstar Recruiter program and source viable PT candidates on their behalf.
This is where this idea came from, even though you’ve been suggesting this for the longest time. People who’ve gone through the Rockstar Recruiter PT hiring solution, the online program that I’ve been on your show before, don’t get results from 1 of 2 areas. Most people get great results. I’ve noticed when people don’t get results, it’s almost always because they didn’t go through the program.
It’s black and white. They buy the program and don’t show up on the calls, or maybe they show up a little bit, but they don’t go through the online portion there. It’s rare when someone has gone through the program and doesn’t get results. When that happens, there are some other factors involved there that I’m working on.
The number one thing is when people get the results like our buddy Mark Moore. He went from not being able to hire any PTs. Now, he’s got more than he knows what to do with. We have groups in Alaska who are going through that same experience. They are across the country, but they do the program, the email list, and all the stuff I teach about on the different social media platforms. This isn’t new. I didn’t invent this. I adapted it to physical therapy. I’m training people to do it for my Rockstar partners. That’s where this was born from. People are saying, “This is all valuable, but how do I get time to do it?” Now, it’s like, “Let’s not worry about how. Let’s worry about who.”
What else do you want to share? I know your time is valuable here.
That’s it. I’m grateful for the chance to come and talk because, at the end of the day, that’s the message I want to leave with every PT owner out there, and I mean this because I’m excited about this program. I want to talk to you and work with you. Regardless of whether or not people work with people overseas, it is just to start thinking in terms of who’s going to solve that problem versus how.
People are like, “My problem is I need PTs.” Who’s going to solve that problem for you?” It’s not, “How do you find PTs?” but, “Who’s going to find my PTs?” Whatever that looks like, whether it’s working with me or finding an expert to bring in-house, the whole shift in mindset that I had from that book has changed my life. It’s something that I thought I understood already. I was like, “I get that concept.” It’s like, “No, I don’t.” Every time I become the solution, I become the bottleneck. As Dan Sullivan says, “I start realizing how small of a game I’ve been playing.”
You’re one of the best examples I know, Nate, of working with who and being committed to staying in that relationship and not becoming the how. I hope that’s the message that people leave with and maybe some information about this other company that can revolutionize and save money and change their lives. At the end of the day, it’s who, not how. That’s the big takeaway.
If people want to learn a little bit more, where do they go?
They can reach out to you, and you can send them my way.
It’s .
Say, “Nathan, I want to meet Will.” I’ll jump on a call. I’ll explain it to you. When you do that introduction, it helps me remember where they come from.
Where are you on the socials?
I have my YouTube channel. I’ve got my Unlock HBA. The Healthcare Business Academy is my YouTube channel. I’m still producing content there. I’ve got my Facebook page. You can hit me up on Facebook. I don’t have Instagram yet. I’m like an old man. I don’t have Instagram, TikTok, or Twitter.
You’re on LinkedIn.
LinkedIn is the best way to hit me up. If you’re trying to hit me up through social, go to Will Humphreys. You’ll see a big fake picture of me. I’m a lot better looking in that picture than I am in real life.
Thanks for your time. I appreciate it.
Thank you, Nathan.
See you.
I am a father of 4 boys, married 20+ years and am passionate about healthcare entrepreneurship.
Teaching entrepreneurs how to maximize their income, profits, and net margin is what I do, but helping them change how they think, reclaim their freedom, and discover what is possible is who I am.
I teach the value of this key phrase: Profitability unlocks possibility.
Will has had a passion for making people laugh since he was young, and always carries a big smile. He is currently a main stage performer at ImprovMania comedy club and has recently returned to performing stand-up comedy. He loves spending time with his wife, Heather, and his four boys thru sports and outdoor activities.
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