On today’s show, Nathan Shields talks to Mike Bills , PT, the President of Measurable Solutions and the CEO and Owner of Loudoun Sports Therapy in Sterling. Mike has seen some amazing growth in his PT clinic over the past few years, and it’s not because he started a new program that generated new patients or found a physician that loved how he treated patients. Rather, Mike has seen phenomenal growth because he has been focusing on himself and improving the different aspects of his personal life – physical, intellectual, professional, financial, etc. He teaches us the importance of focusing on oneself before focusing on others. Learn more from Mike on how you, too, can be the owner of your personal freedom and enjoy the life you have envisioned!
I’m bringing back a previous guest, Mike Bills. If you haven’t read his first episode or my first interview with Mike, please go back to it. It’s one of the most followed episodes that I have. He had some mind-blowing statistics and marketing strategies that he provided in that episode. It is an episode that I’ve shared with a number of my coaching clients to show them what is possible if they’re not focused on physician relationships, but rather do some focusing on internal marketing programs. I wanted to share Mike’s experiences in how he has worked on himself individually and as a leader over the past years that has generated 50% year over year growth in his clinic. It’s not necessarily focusing on certain programs or working in new procedures or better marketing strategies. Mike simply focused on working on himself as the owner and leader of the clinic. By doing so, he had great results and dividends from his efforts.
I’ve got Mike Bills, CEO and Owner of Loudoun Sports Therapy in Sterling, Virginia. He’s also the President of Measurable Solutions , a physical therapy owner consulting business. I’m bringing Mike back after we did another episode regarding his marketing strategies and how successful he’s been doing internal marketing programs in his clinic. I’m bringing him back because I have something exciting that I want to talk about with him. Mike, thanks for coming on again.
Thanks for having me back. It was a lot of fun the last time. I know it will be this time too.
The reason I reached out is because I have a coaching client who went to a Measurable Solutions Conference and he shared with me something that affected him and I’ve been thinking about it since because it’s affecting me as well. In one of your presentations, you said, “My business has grown significantly more over the past years simply because I haven’t necessarily been working on my business, but I’ve been working on myself. Because I’ve been working on myself, my business has grown at a greater pace than what I’ve seen in the past.” Maybe you can talk to me a little bit about that. That struck a chord with me that your business is improving significantly, not because of your immediate focus on the business but upon you specifically. Maybe you can share with me a little bit about what you said more clearly and we can get into that.
It was a talk that I was doing at an Owner’s Conference for Measurable Solutions. We were in nice and sunny Cabo San Lucas, which is on the Western side of Mexico when it was snowing at home for me in Virginia. In preparing for that talk, I was trying to figure out what it was that had made a couple of years of my practice to be so much more successful. I’ve been an owner of private practice for many years. Since 2012, I’ve grown considerably every year, but a couple of years have been this exceptional growth. I started searching and trying to figure out what it was that led to that.
When you’re talking about exceptional growth, is there any numbers that you can share?
Leading from 2012, I was a client of Measurable Solutions and I started learning how to be a business owner, something that none of us ever learned how to do in PT school. I started learning and I always had nice growth, 28%, 32%, 30%, etc. every year. Until a couple of years ago, I had 49% growth. I’m talking 49% growth in new patients, collections and production, what we’re billing, patient visits, etc. In 2019, I had a 53% growth in the same thing. I was happy with 21%, 28%, 30% now. I looked at these two years and I was like, “What is different?” As I looked at it and I started to focus, I realized that I was concentrating a lot more on myself than I was the years before that.
The years before that, I was concentrating on building this business. I was the guy that was doing everything. I was making everything go right. Being able to look back, what I realized was that I started paying attention to what I needed as an individual. What did I need to be the face of the organization? What did I need to empower my staff to be better at dealing with patients, treating patients, handling processes at the front desk, whatever it might be? I looked at improving myself whether it was reading more about how to be a business owner and a team leader, listening to podcasts, listening to things on TED Talks, taking time to exercise, etc.
To give you an example, a few years ago, I weighed about 85 pounds more than I weigh now. I was spending all this time working because that’s what I thought I needed to do. I was being successful but in retrospect, my health was going downhill. I was approaching 50. There was no way I was going to continue to be able to be the face of the organization. When I stopped and took a step back and started working on myself, all of a sudden I was able to be a better leader. I was able to give better guidance to people. Here’s a good example, I’m driving into work and I’m listening to a book. I don’t read. That hasn’t happened since PT school. I listened to all of my books on tape. I do it through Audible. When I say read, what I mean is I’m listening to a book.
I’m reading or I’m listening to this book and I’m like, “My staff would benefit from hearing this.” I bookmark it, get into the office, play it, record it and send it out to everybody in a text. I was doing it to listen for myself but then I’m like, “The information is pertinent to something we were talking about the other day.” In the process of helping myself to be a better person, better read, etc., I’m able to pass that on to many other people. That’s where I feel I’ve made myself a better person. I’ve taken time to concentrate on myself and it allows me to empower and strengthen the people around me to be even better, which is what’s helped us to have so much great growth.
Be the change you wish to see in the world. - Mahatma Gandhi
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That brings to mind the quote, “In order to see a change in others, you have to change yourself.” It’s important to recognize that if you’re going to make an effect for change within your company and with your clinic, if you want to see the change in your relationships with family members and friends, but we’re talking professional network, if you want to see a change in your business, it starts with you. It’s not expecting more out of other people. It’s simply changing yourself and maybe tightening up aspects of your life that you let go a little bit.
Whether it be losing weight, how can I be the owner of a business that professes people need to be active if I myself am not active? How can I profess to my managers and the people that I’m asking to help me to run this business to do their job if I’m not in a good position to be able to do it myself? Taking the time and looking at my personal finances. How can I expect my staff to get patients to pay their bill if I’m not working on my personal side to make sure that all of my accounts are in good standing? When you improve yourself, you automatically empower all of those around you. That’s where I believe my exceptional growth has come from is that I’ve made myself a better person, which in a sense rubs off on everybody else. My attitude and demeanor is better. My tone and my happiness scale, I’m much higher on that scale and therefore that rubs off on all of these people. I don’t get reactive about that patient that canceled or things that go wrong because I’m much more in control of myself. That doesn’t become the way that they react as well.
A couple of years ago, you became more intentional about working on yourself. Looking back, you’re seeing that working on yourself had a significant influence on the other things around you. You didn’t go about trying to make that change in others around you first. You simply focused on yourself.
I had to add to maybe shift my mindset for a moment. I had this mindset that I’m the owner, everybody else should come first, take care of my employees, etc. What I realized was who was going to take care of them if I wasn’t able to take care of myself? I had to set that example whether it takes a huge health scare for somebody or whatever it might be. When you’re in a better state of mind and better frame of mind, whether it’s because you get to leave every day and go home and sit in the bubble bath if that’s what you want to do, go for a run, when you’re able to be in a better place, then you bring that better place in with you. What I realize is that everybody then follows that. You’re the one that they’re looking up to.
Everybody is always looking for somebody to look up to, whether it’s your kids or employees. If you become that example that they look up to, they’re striving to be like you and to improve themselves. Before you know it, they’re all reading or listening to books on tape or they’re all going home to exercise and have dinner with their family. It starts with me changing my mindset to not feel like I’m less important than everybody else. I had that realization a couple of years ago. I was the most important thing. Without me, this clinic wasn’t going to exist. It wasn’t going to be what it had become. I had to be able to survive and be a good person and set that example for it to move forward.
“Be the change that you want to see in others,” is the phrase or something like that. To someone who’s saying, “I’m looking at these different aspects of my life,” you’ve seen a lot of growth and success on the intellectual side, physical side, emotional and psychological side, financial side. I’m assuming that you also put some focus on your schedule and prioritizing your time. If you look at those 5 to 6 aspects of your life, someone who’s maybe not where they want to be individually and looking at that, that can seem a little bit overwhelming. Did you take a step-by-step approach or how did you approach these things so you could see an influence throughout the whole scope of your life?
It became a matter of I’m a schedule-oriented person. When I say 10:00, I’m ready to go at 9:50. As PTs, we all ended up being that way unless we’re letting patients walk in the door whenever they want. We run by a schedule. I had to make things become part of the schedule. Initially, that meant a few years ago, I’ve got to create this time for whatever it might be. I’ve got to create time to be able to go for a run. At the time, I wasn’t even taking a lunch break. Lunch was, “Let me shovel something down.” Somebody bought a Chick-fil-A or Panera Bread or whatever for me and that was it. I had to make sure, “I’m going to take 30 minutes.” That means the patients that would have been in during that 30 minutes had to be either before or after that.
Get everybody to understand that’s sacred time and you can’t take that away. That 30 minutes then became an hour and then that hour became leaving at 3:00. It built from there. Scheduling was the most important thing. I had to also change my mindset. For example, to watch the last three innings of the baseball game at night and do something else for the rest of that time. As much as I felt like I was productive sitting on the couch from 10:00 at night until 1:00 in the morning doing work, I had to recognize that, change that and schedule that differently. It came down to scheduling it is what made the difference.
Do you schedule your sleep between 10:00 and 1:00?
I scheduled going to bed at 10:00 instead of going to bed at 1:00. I had to make other people help me to be accountable, like my wife to come and close the lid to the laptop that I was working on at 10:30 at night. She had to help me do that. It’s like at work, I would have my staff be like, “Mr. Smith is upfront.” They’re there to remind me to be accountable. I had to have that in place and ask people for help to do that and stop thinking that I was the one that needed to be in control and doing everything. I needed to have people be able to help me ask people to help me with that. I needed to get those around me to understand why I was doing it and what it was that I was trying to accomplish.
I love that you bring up the concept of control and schedule because as therapists, we follow a schedule, but we don’t necessarily take control of our schedules. We defer when the patients are available. We’ll adjust our schedule accordingly. If an employee needs something from us, we’ll adjust our schedule accordingly. Instead of what it should be ideally is that our time, especially as the owners and leaders of the clinic, is sacred. We dictate when we see patients. We dictate when our door is open to have meetings with our employees. It’s not the other way around. We default as therapists to do whatever we need to do to get the patient in, to get the patient better, to see the patient, to maximize our “productivity” instead of being in control and having power over our schedule and saying, “My sleep is vital. I need to go to bed at 10:00. Honey, help me get to bed at 10:00 and let’s start getting ready at 9:30.”
I don’t see patients over the lunch break, even if it’s an emergency situation. Maybe that’s one of your rules. I only see patients over the lunch break if it’s an emergency situation, but none else. That lunch break could be two hours long instead of one hour long so you can get your jog in if that’s what you need. Being in control over our schedule and saying, “I’m going to block a time to work on the business two half-days a week. I can’t see patients. I’m not going to take on any meetings unless they’re scheduled ahead of time. No knock on the doors, ‘Do you got a minute?’ That’s sacred time for me to work on the business.” Once you start establishing that control is when you start having greater control over your life and you start seeing progress like you did.
It is about control and it’s about understanding that my mindset needed to change and realizing that I wasn’t in control. Everybody else was in control of being. Everything else around me was in control of me. I was the result of this situation and this environment that I had created, which was a business that was growing and thriving and doing well, but I wasn’t in control of anything. I was the guy that was being controlled by everything that was happening, the patient that was on the phone, the patient that was upfront, the person that needed a signature for this, “Can we talk about that? I want to buy this.” That kind of thing and being able to set some rules and some standards.
I had it in my mind that if I did that, my employees were going to look at me differently. They weren’t going to respect me. They weren’t going to follow me. I had to realize that if that was the case, if they were going to respect me less because I wasn’t working on my computer, on my couch from 10:00 at night until 1:00 in the morning, they weren’t the people that I wanted on board with me anyway. They wouldn’t do that. That wasn’t what I would expect them to do. I had to get that control back on my side. A lot of it is changing my mindset and changing my viewpoint on things. I had to accept the fact that people weren’t going to look at me differently. In the end, it was to improve the whole situation of things and make that be the strict policy that I was going to operate towards. Amazingly, when I set an example, they all follow and they all start making themselves better whether it’s because I keep sending them these things to read or listen to or not. Ultimately, it’s helped to make them all better people as well.
That’s something that comes up quite often. I went through a little bit of that as well. When I shifted out of treating full-time and into working more on the business during the course of the week, there’s this fear that if I take time for myself to work on the business or heaven forbid I go home early, the team is going to look at me like, “You’re not pulling your weight.” Maybe they’re going to look at me differently questioning, “What are you doing with your time if you’re not treating patients?” It’s different from the status quo that they were used to. The fear that some of the coaching clients I have is that, “If I take away this time, what is my team going to think of me?” It sounded like you got over that mentally, but did you have any of that blow back or did you have to talk to yourself through that continually?
Yeah, I did. It was a challenging thing for me. All of us as practice owners, whether we came out of school and opened our practice or we were out of school for 8 or 10 years before we ended up in private practice, we all are about doing something. To us, we’ve been trained to treat this patient and that’s where things are going to go well. People are going to respect you and that’s where your skills are. What I had to recognize was that’s not where my skill was best suited. I could find people that even though they couldn’t necessarily treat a patient maybe as well as I could or as quickly as I could, it would take them 2 or 3 visits longer to get the same effect. I was going to be way better off in the long run.
If you don't have data, you start making things up.
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If I could get five people doing what I as only one person could do, I would be much more productive as an overall group. I had to change my mind on the fact that, what are these people going to think if I stopped treating patients? To the extent that I had to help them to understand. “Here’s my reason behind wanting to do this. I want us to be able to help more people in the community.” You hear it all the time, patients come from this doctor’s office across the street where they have physical therapy and they’re like, “It’s different here.” We can’t do that if I’m not here to lead seven of you because I have to constantly be one of the people out on the floor. Don’t you want to be able to help more people and taking that approach with them?
I realized that was all in my head. They were all like, “Yeah, sure. That’s great. You mean somebody’s going to approve our vacation time as opposed to we have to keep asking you all the time? Do you mean somebody’s going to be able to make that order for the equipment that we wanted to get and make sure that there’s enough money in the bank account?” I’m like, “You guys have been wanting this for a while.” Yet, it was me having this fixed idea that they were going to be all upset and jump ship if I made this change. To tie into that, we have this joke. We have a large number of staff but barely 10% of them remember me out there treating patients. I’ll come up every now and then like, “I do have a PT license. I still remember how to treat.”
Here’s a short story. I was treating one of our PTA. She had a neck problem. Everybody was busy. I’m like, “Lay down, let me take care of it.” She’s like, “I feel a lot better.” She was one of the ones who worked here when I was treating patients, but we realize there are six people standing around going, “He knows how to treat patients.” They haven’t seen that. My point to that is, they hadn’t seen it, but yet they see the value that I bring by the other things that I do and they accept it. I had to change my mind that they were going to respect me less.
When you made that change to your schedule, did you sit them down in a team meeting and tell them, “This is what I’m doing and this is why I’m doing it?”
I was scared about doing that. I didn’t sit everybody down when I made this change. If I was going to do anything differently, I would sit everybody down. I made this change and the only person I told was my front desk manager. I said, “At noon, I’m leaving and I’ll be back at 1:00.” She’s like, “Why?” She hadn’t realized that I had moved all of the patients. I said, “I moved all the patients. I’ll be back at 1:00.” I walk out, it’s late spring, I’ve got shorts on. I’m going to go for a run around where our office is. She’s like, “Where are you going?” I was like, “Remember I said I’ll be back at 1:00.” I came back in at about 12:50, so I had time to take a shower. Everybody was all worried about where I was or what had happened. To answer your question, if I was going to do it again, I would help everybody to understand because then it was like, “What’s wrong?”
They all thought that they had done something wrong, that I was pissed off that I had to go for this run. It was something that they hadn’t seen. My belief is if you don’t have data, you start making things up. I had seven employees at the time, all of which had all these cockamamie ideas in their head of, “What had gone wrong. Where did Mike go? Why was he this way?” If I were to do it over again, I would sit everybody down and I would say, “This is what I’m going to do. This is why I’m going to do it. Let’s see how it goes.” We’ll have some open dialogue about it. Over the course of that first week, I had all these people coming into my office and checking on me, “Are you okay? Is everything all right?” I’m like, “Yeah, everything’s fine. What’s the problem?” It dawned on me why that was the concern.
That’s interesting because one of my clients, he pulled himself out and he’s explained it to the team, “This is why I’m doing it.” This is 1 or 2 months down the road since he pulled himself out of treating full-time. He still does it a couple of days. If they see him on the floor outside of those times, they get mad at him. The question I have for you is, as you’ve respected your time and set up some boundaries and whatnot, have you found that the team is also protecting your time?
Very much so. It’s funny you say that. We have a need for two PTs. The two that we’ve hired can’t start immediately. We’ve had this need for about six weeks. We’re running at super high capacity. Every now and then, I’ll be like, “I’ll come out and help you.” There will be a problem. “What are we going to do? How are we going to handle this?” I’m like, “I’ll come out on the floor and help you guys.” They’re like, “No, we do not want your help. We’ve got everything under control. You stay and do what you’re supposed to be doing. We don’t want you out there.” Part of that is because they know I’ll come out and I’ll be like, “How about we change all this around?” At the same time, they recognize the disadvantage that would create because we’d be back to the days where things aren’t happening because the guy that’s supposed to make them happen fell back into patient care.
What a great position to be in that they know if you step back into the business, you’re going to “mess things up.” You stay behind the drapes and keep pulling the levers like the Wizard of Oz.
I was in our front office and the phone was ringing and all five of our front office people were on the phone. I reached to pick up the second phone that’s next to one of them. She slapped my hand and I’m like, “Okay, good. I’m going to walk away.” She doesn’t want me doing that because she knows I might screw something up and because there’s something that you should be doing instead. Don’t get drawn into whatever’s on the other end of that phone.
That’s someone who’s taken ownership of their position, “That call is mine. It’s not yours.”
That brings it back to where as I was helping myself, I’ve helped all of these other people to take control of their position and not be reliant on me coming along and going, “Let me do it for you,” or “This is how I would do it.” They’re much more in control. That carries over into their lives, which is part of that talk that I was doing at that owner’s conference. How me being in control of myself has spread into everybody else. How as I lifted myself, they’ve all followed, and so their home lives, income, spending habits, taking care of themselves are better. Why we all became PTs was that we wanted to help people.
As the owners, we have to look at it from the perspective of, “I can help patients but there’s this whole other group of people that I can help to have a good working environment that they enjoy coming to.” If I make myself better, how much better am I going to make not only the care that my patients get but the family feeling, the experience, the culture that my employees have so that their lives are better? Their kids are being brought up better. Their marriage, relationship, weekends are better. It becomes this exponential thing.
One of the books that I’ve listened/read over the last couple of years is called Multipliers . It talks about that exponential piece. If you do something, it affects anywhere between 10 and 24 other people. They do something and think about, especially in this day and age and not to go off on too much of a tangent, sometimes how poorly ethical society is. By making ourselves better and by making 48 employees having a good working environment. They go home and they create better environments that they live in for their families, their kids and it becomes that exponential or that multiplier piece to it.
I was thinking about that as you were sharing your stories. You can treat a patient and do well. If you could get five therapists to treat patients 80% or 90% of what you could do, that influence alone is much greater. It’s multiplied.
That allows us to get all these patients that are coming from all these other places where they’re not getting good care, whether it be from a big corporation or a hospital or physician’s office. Even many other private practices where they’re being run through as a mill. If I can get five people to do even part of a good job as I would have done, it’s all of those patients that are having good experiences. It’s part of that multiplier piece that keeps on going.
It’s such a great influence that you’ve exemplified here in the last couple of years. For some reason, control comes back to me. You’ve simply taken control. You’re not at the effect of whatever the business is doing and what your employees are doing to you. Someone’s quitting and you don’t know what you’re going to do because you’ve got to treat this patient. You simply reassessed your life and you stepped back and decided, “I’m going to take control of these things.” You’ve been intentional about the change that you wanted to see in yourself first. The results that you wanted to create in your life you’ve taken that control over. You become more powerful in that regard. That’s landed to 50% growth year over year for a couple of years. That’s astounding. To give people some social context, if they haven’t heard your story, feel free to read the first episode with Mike. You’ve got sixteen providers under one roof. It sound like it might be more.
From an actual clinician perspective, I have nineteen with two more coming. By the time they get here, we’ll need at least one more beyond that. If I go back, it was me and a PTA. Think about how many more people I’m able to help because it’s not me that’s doing it. It’s nineteen people that are able to provide that. That’s the piece that I realized was not necessary. There’s no way I could help nineteen people. We have more than nineteen staff numbers, but nineteen clinicians, do that without somebody being on that host or wearing that hat all the time. You talk about intention. There’s a difference between putting my attention on growing the business. That’s what I was doing before the last couple of years. I put my intention, which is no matter what is going to happen, I’m going to be the leader but I’m not going to be the one that does it. To me, that’s the difference between attention and intention is that I’m not going to be the one that’s going to do it. I’m going to be the leader that’s going to direct where that card is going and I’m going to be able to make sure that it gets there. I have to be in a good position myself for that to happen.
When you're in the process of helping yourself to be a better person, you're able to pass that on to many other people.
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I love the differentiation because as the owner, you feel like you are also the doer of all of these things when you’re better suited to delegate, oversee, follow up, hold accountable and that stuff to free your time.
By doing so, it helps us as the owner to be able to live the experience of being the owner, which is why we wanted to do it in the first place. Who got into this to be an owner because they wanted to work 80 hours a week? Nobody’s like, “Yeah, that’s what I’m signing up for.” We got into it because we want to be able to be home with our families more. We want to be able to have four-day workweeks or whatever it might be. That ties everything we’ve talked about so far together up to this point. I had to accept the fact that it was okay for me to not be in the office. I’ve gone for periods of time where I haven’t been in the office for a whole month. I had to accept that that was okay. It was because my reason for wanting to be a business owner was I wanted to see my kids. I wanted to do things. I’d go visit my son in Atlanta. I do whatever it might be. I travel wherever it is. I had to accept that that was improving things. That was why I got into being an owner was to help people. It didn’t mean I had to work 80 hours a week treating 100 patients myself.
At this point, you’re a great example of enjoying the ownership experience. You’re leading a great team. You’re in control of your schedule and your life. That’s exactly what I want other PT owners to understand. That’s a possibility. That freedom and growth can happen. You can fulfill your dreams as a PT owner in that regard.
I had this realization in August, September 2019 when I was preparing for a different talk. I opened up a Measurable Solutions course book that I had done. One of the things that they had me do early on was writing out what my ideal scene was. I had written down seven things. I wanted to have X number of visits per week. I wanted to be treating patients X number of hours per week. It was my first time realizing that all seven things I had put on that piece of paper, every single one of them had come true. That to me is intention. I had the intention that it was going to happen and I made it go right. What I realized the number one reason why it went right was I’m the one controlling everything and the others were the people that were doing it.
I’m the guy in the Wizard of Oz behind the curtain pulling the strings. I had to empower those people to do that. That’s where all of that successful growth came from. In the end, I became what I would view to be the biggest winner because everything on my ideal scene had come true. Between you and me and everybody else out there, number seven on that list was I wanted to be able to go back to Measurable Solutions. It’s a consulting company that had taught me how to be a business owner. It’s something that we had never learned in school. I wanted to be able to go back to Measurable Solutions and give back to the company that had significantly changed my life. In July 2019, I assumed the role of being the President of Measurable Solutions. That was the seventh thing that was on that list. That was something I had written out years ago. Had I not taken the direction to work on myself, I never would have achieved half of those.
I love talking to you about this because many PTO owners look passively at what their business is doing instead of taking control and being intentional about it. The results speak for themselves. Every person that I interview, you included, once they’ve decided to take control of their business, then things improve. I love sharing the story.
It’s scary how many of us are in private practice without being in control and the practice is controlling us. We have to look at, is that where we want to be 5, 10, 20, 30 years from now? I missed parts of my oldest son growing up. He now lives in Seattle. I’m going to Seattle quite frequently not because I’m making up for it, but because I finally created what I truly wanted. I got out of my way and I stopped telling myself that something was impossible. It comes back to I worked on myself to make it so, I believe that it could be so, and I made it to be so. Everybody else around me is happier as a result.
Thank you so much for taking the time and sharing your experience with me. If people wanted to reach out to you and learn more about you or Measurable Solutions, how do they do that?
Before I forget, Multipliers is the name of the book. It’s written by Liz Wiseman and John Meagher. It’s a very good book. I could give you a list of any number of other books. If anybody wants to get in touch with me, I give out my cell phone number. I love having conversations with people. My whole goal is protecting the whole business of private practice. Feel free to reach out to me anytime you want. My cell phone number is (703) 470-5995. I love it when I get calls from Wyoming, Montana, Utah and Florida. I love chatting with people. I’m happy to discuss things with anybody. You can also email me if you like. My email address is the best way to always get in touch with me is that Measurable Solutions, Mike@FortisBusinessSolutions.com. Feel free to email, call or text me. Anybody reach out, please.
Thanks for coming on, Mike. I appreciate you sharing your story and taking the time.
I appreciate you having me on. It’s fun as always. Thanks.
Mike Bills is the Owner and CEO of Loudoun Sports Therapy Center in Sterling VA. He started his practice in 2005 and did everything: answered the phone, treated patients, billed the insurance, etc. Since that time he has grown his practice by over 10 times. He now has a staff of well over 20 people, including 14 clinicians and a facility size of over 10,000 square feet. It was always Mike’s goal to have the time and ability to manage his business and not work in it and he has fulfilled that goal as he is the true CEO and no longer treats patients.
Another goal Mike had was to be able to help other PT’s have the Freedom they deserved from their practice. Mike was a client of Measurable Solutions where he learned how to truly manage a private practice and where he learned how to truly be the CEO. This is where he learned the basis for all of the systems that he uses in his practice that have helped him to be so successful. Recently Mike was named the President of Measurable Solutions and is now able to fulfill that goal of helping other private practice PT’s have the same success as him.
If it weren’t for the perseverance and drive over the years to build a successful business this never would have been a reality for him.
Marketing is one of the most important pillars of a private practice and I have worked hard to develop systems that continuously help my practice to grow and thrive despite the time of year or whatever else is happening in my community. I am happy to be invited onto the podcast to share just a fraction of what has helped us be so successful. For more information, feel free to reach out to me either via cell: 703-470-5995, or email: mike@fortisbusinesssoltions.com
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