Creating Simple Job Descriptions / Handbooks / Training Manuals With Sean Miller, PT

Nathan Shields • May 18, 2021
A person is writing on a piece of paper with a pen.


To NOT be the answer-person in your company should be the goal of every business owner. You can achieve this by creating simple job descriptions, handbooks, and training manuals that efficiently answer every possible question your employee may have. “Systems-dependent, not people-dependent” – that’s what we learned in EMyth Revisited , but how do we get there? Where do we start? In this episode, Sean Miller, PT  shares with us exactly where to start and what a functional job description and handbook look like and how they bring value to your company. Tune in to discover how you can implement this in your organization!

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Creating Simple Job Descriptions / Handbooks / Training Manuals With Sean Miller, PT

A longtime friend and guest is on the show, Sean Miller . Sean, thanks for coming on. I appreciate it.

Thanks for having me. I’m super excited to be on the show.

I’m excited to have you because you shared with me what you did when you owned your clinic in regards to generating job descriptions, handbooks and training manuals. You made it so simple. You broke it down easily. I thought, “We need to share this with people.” That can be a real stumbling block for owners when they know, “I’ve got to put together a policy. I know I’ve got to do it. I’ve read The E-Myth Revisited . I know that’s what I’ve got to do but I don’t know where to start.” I wanted to make sure we share it with as many people as possible. We did a Facebook recording and shared it on the Facebook group. If you guys aren’t on the Facebook group, that’s Physical Therapy Owner’s Club . Join the Facebook group. I shared a fifteen-minute clip there.

PTO 145 | Job Description
The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don’t Work and What to Do About It

In this episode, we want to go into a little bit more depth about creating job descriptions, handbooks and the benefits of them. The benefits are relatively obvious but how to get them organized and put them together, how to start from square one. First of all, thanks for coming on, Sean. I appreciate it. When you started generating your job descriptions and handbooks, what was your mindset? What was your thinking? How did you get started to begin with?

Thanks for having me on. I’m super excited to share this because it was super valuable for me. A little bit of my past history to give some base foundation of where I came from and why this is so important for everyone to have is I had my clinics previously with a previous business partner. He and I struggled to make things work and run well. He and I unfortunately ended up separating from each other. I was stuck with two facilities all by myself as the owner. I was bound and determined to figure out how to make this thing work. I sought out coaching. I had some great coaching that taught me a lot of great stuff. In the framework of this state, they teach you the importance of what we’re going to talk about.

We came up with our own little method and process to put it together that is successful and works well. Why this is so important is when you provide organization and structure to your business, things will then start to run and flow. Your growth goes so much faster. I found that whenever we were not growing is because we weren’t organized somewhere. As we organized it, we grew. This is your foundation. This is like the walls and structure of your house. You need to have these in place. All you have is a foundation, no building. What we’re going to go through, we’ll build the walls here.

This is a great place to start because a lot of owners might get stuck here or they might make it more complicated than it needs to be. Break it down for us. How do you recommend we get started here?

This is building job descriptions and handbooks, how to do it. It took me years to figure out how to do this. This is why I’m excited to share this. I’ve learned from others and I love giving this out to other people so they can learn as well. This is why we’re doing it, which is. We start off with, I read a book called The E-Myth Revisited by Michael Gerber. If you haven’t read it, go read it. If you have read it, you may have been stuck on how I produce what he’s talking about. Michael Gerber talks about producing consistent and predictable results within your company. That’s the goal of his book. What that does is once you can produce consistent and predictable results, it gives you freedom as an owner. It frees your time up. When I started doing all this, I was working 60, 70 hours a week to make things work. In the end, my time was flexible however I wanted to spend it.

To go further with that, in order to be successful, you’ve got to reproduce those results over and over again in spite of who’s sitting in that position and in spite of you. That’s where this creates so much value. It’s not dependent upon you or people dependent then become systems dependent.

You, as the owner, should know how to do everything in your company. Too often as owners we find ourselves doing everything in the company. By creating these job descriptions, it frees you up so you’re no longer the one doing it. You have other people doing it. If you have multiple clinics, you can do the same thing at all clinics across the board. That’s giving you success.

Even if you’re not doing all of those positions and you’re growing to that point, you don’t want to become the answer to them all the time. You’d end up being the point person, the go-to like, “Have you got a minute all the time on the door?” or, “I’ve got a problem. You’re the only one that can fix it.” When you put some of these systems in place then they can refer to the handbook versus you.

When you provide organization and structure to your business, things will then start to run and flow. Your growth goes so much faster.
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A great management lesson to learn is when someone comes to you like, “What does the handbook say?” They go back to the handbook and they assume they learn to go to the handbook first and they begin to manage themselves. That’s where this comes from. How do you create predictable results for your practice? You do that by developing your successful systems and processes that are reproducible and consistent. That’s the key. A successful system process is one that you can reproduce and are consistent. You do this by creation of your job descriptions or handbooks. We ended up calling them playbooks in our company because I love sports and the playbook is what you do to win the game.

Our playbook is what you do to win the game in our company, essentially. Whatever you want to call them, it’s what we’re talking about. With these handbooks, once you’ve got them written up, that then becomes what you train and educate all your employees on so that they know exactly how to do their job successfully. How you create these is what we want to talk about. There are three simple steps when you’re creating these to think about. Number one is what’s the job title. A receptionist, a physical therapist, an aid, a biller, a lead biller, whatever your different jobs titles are, you want to create those job titles first. The second thing is you then list all of the successful actions that someone has to do for that job title to succeed.

Third is you then want to list what’s called the outcome that you get from them doing these successful actions. This is better known as your product as well. We’ll talk about products here. The outcome is what do you get if this person does these successful actions. What’s great about this is that when you have the outcome, that then becomes a KPI or a stat that you can use with the employee to measure how well they’re doing their job. That’s key because once you have the stat, the stat then tells you, “You’re doing a great job or you’re not doing something. Let’s figure out what it is and get it back in.”

It’s cool that you broke it out simply. I know that we’re going to talk a little bit more about a table of contents that may have everything involved in the handbook or the job description for any particular job. The basic three principles are job title, successful actions and then their outcomes with the appropriate measurable statistic.

Once you understand that basis, then it becomes so much simple to put these together where you can get complicated. We’ll talk about why it gets complicated here and how to make it even easier. The first thing you want to consider if you look at those three things is too often what we do is we list the job title and then we try to come up with all the successful actions. We’ll say, “A receptionist. What does the receptionist do?” We’ll list all of these things that they think they do. What ends up happening is we don’t know what they end up producing what the outcome is. You first want to think about the outcome or the product, not the successful actions. If I’m a receptionist, the outcome is I want my patients to arrive and paid in full for their visit to be seen.

I know that that is what the receptionist is trying to achieve with their job essentially. That’s what we want to first start focusing on is what their outcome or their product is. Let’s talk about what the product is so we understand that a little bit better as well. Product, technically, it’s a finished high-quality service in the hands of the consumer as an exchange for something of value. If you can’t exchange it, there’s no value there. If I try selling you a half bottle of water, only half-filled and the cap’s open, it’s not complete. You’re not buying a full bottle of water. In our case with physical therapy, if the patient comes in, their insurance benefits aren’t verified and they’re not paying their copay, we can’t necessarily see them. We’re not completing the process, essentially.

With this particular job, if you’re talking about a front desk, receptionist, front desk coordinator, patient care coordinator, if you haven’t figured out their product, the exchange is the salary that you’d give them. If they are not performing and producing that product, then they are not living up to what is worthy of a salary and then there’s not proper exchange there. You want to be clear about what they’re exchanging for payment for salary.

PTO 145 | Job Description
Job Description: The key is to first know your product and name it so they know what they’re trying to achieve and what you’re paying them for.


You’re exchanging with the front desk and your therapists and age things back by achieving these goals for you in return. The key is to first know your product and name it. What is it so that they know what they’re trying to achieve? What are you paying them for? For example, we were stuck on the receptionist but it applies to your therapist. The way you would start is you go, “It’s a receptionist. You can see here successful actions are blank. We don’t list them but then we list the outcome or the product.” The product is, for me, it was patients arrive at all their prescribed appointments with payment in full. That’s what I wanted my receptionist to achieve for us. Our KPI or our measurement was patient visits. We want patients to arrive. How do we track that? Patient visits. Some sub stats that supported patient visits was the percentage of arrivals and percent of copay collections. We knew if the receptionist did those things, make sure that patients arrived and that they paid their copay, then they were achieving their outcome of patients arrived at all their prescribed appointments with payment in full.

It’s a higher arrival rate with all the copays and deductibles collected at the time of service. That’s their product. You start from there.

Now that I know what I want the receptionist to do, I can create successful actions to give me that outcome or those products. That’s the next step that you do is you start thinking, “What are all the successful actions that someone needs to do to obtain that product or that outcome?” What I always encourage people to do is create a bullet point list of what they have to do. Answer the phone, enter patient information into the EMR system. Don’t get too specific. Collect copay, keep your area clean and organized. People are like, “Why is that part of the product?” You want people to arrive. If your facility doesn’t look nice and clean, they may think less of your facility and not come back. That’s an important part of their process.

You think of everything that could affect patient visits and people arriving. Obtaining authorization, you create this checklist of successful actions. You’ve got the premise of the foundation of your handbooks, essentially. Once you’ve done that, we then are going to make sure that everything is on that bullet point list, how it should be and then we’re going to go in and then define how we want to answer the phone, how we enter patient information into the system, how we collect the copay. That’s where you get more detail. This is where you get to write down exactly the successful action of doing these different things. A good example of this is I’m going to write up my playbook about how to answer the phone. Answer the phone would be in the manual. It would say answer phones and direct calls as needed or handle as you can. The subsection would be to always answer the proper greeting. This is key. If you don’t put in how to answer the phone, they’re going to answer it, “This is Sean. How can I help you? What do you want? Why are you calling me?”

You train. This is what I want you to say, “Thanks for calling blank Physical Therapy. This is Sean. How can I help you?” That’s what I want you to say every time you answer the phone. We put in there always answer the phone within three rings. Why? How many times do you hear that phone ringing? It’s like, “Somebody get the phone.” The policy was within three rings you answer the phone and then you go on spelling out what do they do with the phone calls, how to route phone calls. We have a thing in here that if it’s ever a doctor calling to speak with a therapist, ask them to hold and go get the therapist. Do not take a message. Too many times our receptionist, when I first started, “Tell Dr. So-and-so I’m going to take a message for you.”

It’s important to find out. We’re going through it but this is something that takes some time. Job titles are obvious. You can figure out the products in the course of an hour or two for all of your positions and the appropriate statistics related to them. Even the bullet points could be this part where you’re getting into the weeds could take some time. It might be some feedback or back and forth. I shared this on the Facebook group video. This is something you could also hand off to people who are doing it successfully already. If you have someone at the front desk that is awesome, how freeing is it to say, “You do a good job. If you could write down how you answer the phone on a regular basis and all the things that pertain to answering the phone, all the ins and outs and details in different situations. Take fifteen minutes, write that out for me. I’d appreciate it.” You could have something to go off of for the next week or two and figure out the answer to the phone bullet point.

When you involve your employees, they feel like they're part of the process and helping you build your company as well.
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If you want to overwhelm yourself fast, sit down and try to create these for everybody in your company in a couple of days by yourself. It’s not going to happen. This took me probably six months to a year to create these. Even when they were created, we were constantly modifying them and tweaking them to make them even better over time. Once we finally understood this, it even got even easier. You’re probably not the best receptionist in your company, you know what needs to be done but you probably have a rock star somewhere in your company that does a great job at it. Why are you the one writing this? They should be the ones writing it for you essentially. The one thing I like about it too is when you involve your employees, they feel like they’re part of the process and helping you build your company as well. Everyone wants to feel included, participate, give their feedback, can be better advised in creating these and having somebody else helping you create them for each position as you go.

It’s a real way of recognizing their value. People want to be recognized. This is a way for them to say, “This is how I do well at my job. Let’s codify that and put it down for people that follow.”

If someone’s crushing it, you want to know how they’re doing it. What are they doing to crush that? You can turn around and give that to all your other facilities or even train your other receptionist so they can do a good job as well. The other thing to point out too as you start to write these is don’t get caught up in writing too much detail. Answering the phone as an example here. I don’t want to put in here, “Answer the phone with your right hand and bring it to your ear.” It’s self-given. Write these out about a 3rd to 5th level of understanding of instruction. I say 3rd to 5th grade because you can get too detailed and you cannot have enough details in there as well. You can put, “Answer the phone when someone calls.” How do I route the call if it’s a doctor’s office? How do I do this? What do you want me to say? Those details need to be in there as well. Always think 3rd to 5th grade level of if I’m telling someone how I want to answer a phone of my company, 3rd to 5th grade level of how I want that done. Simple instructions with it. Let’s go to the outline of how to create the full handbook.

Are you talking like a table of contents of what a handbook would look like?

You’ve got all these checkpoints lists. How do I organize these, how to answer the phones, how to put the copay in? That can be a process for you as well too. We came up with a pretty good simple outline that can be helpful for these guys as well. For creating a front desk receptionist manual, what we did is our first page would be the cover page, our company logo. On our second page, we had a welcome letter from the owner. We then list our company’s purpose, mission and values on page three. We listed our communication lines or organization board, that’s a whole other topic of discussion. If you don’t have one of these, it’s great to let your people know who I go to if I have a question for my position.

Who’s my supervisor? Who’s my supervisor’s supervisor? Where do I fit in the organization? It’s always good to know.

Who’s my boss? Who gives me orders? Who can tell me I’m not doing a good job? Who can tell me I’m doing a great job? On page five is where you would then list the position. You would say receptionist and you would list their purpose and their products. You then list their KPIs, which we worked out from doing our first step there. What we did from there is we found it helpful to create a daily, weekly, monthly checklist. A lot of times, people have their receptionist checking the mail. Is that daily or weekly? They do the deposit. Is that daily or weekly? On a day-to-day basis, this is what you do. On a week-to-week basis, this is what you do. Once a month you would do this. What you find in these daily, weekly, monthly checklists are things like answering the phone, check patients in, call referrals, things like that would be on your daily checklist.

Confirmation calls, how often are you doing those? If you’re assessing the active patient list with the clinic director or the owner, is that a weekly thing? Is that a bi-weekly thing?

You’re laying out successful daily things that they should be doing to achieve their outcome or achieve their product for them. Once you have those daily, weekly, monthly checklists done, within those are your specific actions which we created, which is answering the phone. How do I maintain a high arrival rate? How do I schedule patients? How do I attain authorization? How do I handle referrals? How do I collect copays? How do I verify the insurance? All that would then be after the checklist written in there. On the daily checklist, let’s say it says, call all referrals and schedule them appropriately. How do I do that? Number 9E tells you how to handle the referrals and what to do. Spell it all out for them nice and simple. It gives them a great layout of how to put all this together, essentially.

That’s the bulk of the handbook. A lot of that is the how-tos. Some of them could be written. Some of them could be videos, “Watch this video from the EMR company about how to enter a patient.” Many times, we might lean on ourselves to do things that the EMR companies typically have already generated videos for or it could be helpful if we generated our own videos instead of people putting pen to paper, which they don’t do so much nowadays. If they could record the screen, there’s so much software that can do that, talk along with it. I know Loom does that. I’ve used it before and say, “I go to this screen, I’ll type in their name then I do this and that. That’s how I collect the copay and implement it into the EMR.” It could be simple. If anyone finds a problem with that in the future, their job is to then create the next video.

They give you an idea. When I first created my first handbook for the front office, it was about a 30-page document. As technology got better, we started creating screenshots of where to put the copays. My last handbook before everything was around 110 pages by the time it was done. It was detailed with photos and here’s this and that. If somebody was like, “How do I record the copay?” Here’s a screenshot picture that gives them a visual of where it is on the computer and to do it. Nowadays, video is the next step to go in creating these things. I don’t need someone who’s an experienced front desk receptionist in physical therapy. I need someone who is competent and can get things done because I can train them, give them this handbook and they can run with it. They’re a person who can get things done essentially, which is great.

The cool thing about this handbook and to take it further, the value of it is so much of it you can essentially cut and paste. It then becomes the training manual with its own checklists or checkboxes that you can check the initial date that the training got done. It can guide you on the training. It’s not the job description in the handbook of how to do things. It’s also, “You are now a blank. This is your handbook. Let’s go over it step-by-step and we’ll check it along the way to ensure that you’re fully trained.”

What we always did is we would take these bullet points right here. We would take them, put them on a separate page and call it the training page. We would say, “Has Nathan been trained on how to answer the phone?” “Yes. Check.” “Has he been trained on how to get a high arrival rate?” “Check.” We go right down the list of everything that’s in the handbook, that he can do it and then he knows what he’s doing. It becomes a simple training manual as well.

The accountability on the backend is someone complained about answering the phones or our arrival rate dipped. You have a section in there on how to handle cancellations, how to reschedule patients, how to maintain a high arrival rate so if your arrival rate dips, you can go back to the handbook and say, “Are we following all the steps that we are trained on? Are we missing something? Do we need to re-input what we were trained on because it fell out? Do we need to modify what’s being trained because our rivalry continues to go down?” You can go back and inspect those statistics that they’re responsible for.

If you think about it, it’s the training manual. It’s something on a day-to-day basis for me to refer to. If my stats or my KPIs are out of whack, we already have all the successful actions. If we’re doing everything right in this handbook, our stats shouldn’t be out of whack. We go right back to the handbook and figure out what am I not doing essentially to achieve the result that I’m looking for. It’s all in the handbook.

I like that you have other sections in there about definitions for words that you might use. The last section that you have is some anatomical terms and definitions. We can’t assume that these front desk people are going to know what we’re talking about when we throw out some of the medical terminologies.

You get someone who’s never been in healthcare or even has been in healthcare, not physical therapy. We have all the little acronyms that we like to use. Even insurance like BCBS, Blue Cross Blue Shield. We know that. UAC, we know what those are. Even the word KPI. What’s a KPI? Any acronym you might use you want to give everybody an understanding of what that word is so when they see it, they know what you’re talking about.

PTO 145 | Job Description
Job Description: If everybody’s on the same page of what we’re doing and how we do things, then it rolls. It runs, and it goes by itself.


We even had a video of the difference between copays, coinsurances and deductibles. I had to find out online and have them watch that a couple of times so that they understood the difference between them as we’re talking about the differences and as they’re dealing with insurances.

Is there a more important person in your office that should know what the difference between those three things are? There’s no one more important than a receptionist. Patients don’t know. They have no idea.

I love that you talked about going into the product first because if you simply would sit down and write down all the successful actions, you’re going to apply equal priority to all these things. All of them are urgent. All of them are 8 out of 10. They’ve got to get it done. When you focus on the product first, then you can say, “This is the crux of your position. Other things could possibly fall by the wayside. If you’re not getting patients in, not collecting their copays and deductibles but you have verified all the insurances, you’re not doing your job.” It all comes down to these specific things that you’ve got to get done.

A lot of people will cross-train their receptionists to help with other things like, “Go back and help do the laundry.” That’s important. What’s more important is calling the referrals or getting those other things done specifically. Focus on that product.

We focused on the receptionist. Did you find that was the most training that you did? Were there other handbooks for physical therapists as time-intensive and consuming?

The therapist one is time-consuming for different reasons. When I’m teaching you how to be a receptionist or a front desk person, how to answer the phone, how to treat patients, how to do all this stuff, with the therapist one I’m not putting in there how to treat a patient. You’ve got your license. You should know how to treat a patient. A lot of the therapists don’t know how to manage patient expectations. They don’t know how to make sure a patient is on the same page with you in terms of your treatment, their progress and what they’re doing. We put a lot of successful things in there on how to successfully manage your caseload. For most people, the number one complaint in therapy is documentation. We developed a step-by-step process of how to successfully have your notes done before you go home every day. There was a whole flow of how to do your notes throughout the day. We would teach them those successful steps so that at 5:00, 6:00 at night they don’t have 15, 20 notes to do for that day. They’ve only got 1 or 2 to finish up.

It sounds like a lot of what you’re training was more of the soft skills related to physical therapy. That was more of the handbook for the physical therapist. I interviewed Tom Dalonzo-Baker . There was a time in his clinics where they sat down and said, “If Tom’s not going to be here all the time, we need to agree on some basic fundamental stuff on how to treat a shoulder.” You could maybe throw some of that in there, certain basic fundamentals, these are the proven methods to treat certain diagnoses or body parts. You could get into that. The bulk of a physical therapist handbook is going to be how to get patient buy-in to your plan of care, how to maintain compliance so they don’t fall off or drop off after 3 to 5 visits. How do you keep their goals in front, number one? How do you extract what their goals are with physical therapy? How do you keep those goals in front of them so that keeps them coming?

I love the fact that you put in their documentation. To borrow from Sean Kirk, our co-mentor, coach, consultant, the three things a physical therapist has to do when you boil it down is treat the patients well, document your visits appropriately and bill appropriately. Those are your stats. Get your total visit number and documentation in a timely manner and bill appropriately and ethically. Don’t under bill and over bill. Bill appropriately for what you do according to your documentation. Those are your three things. Manage those stats but so much of their handbook then is it’s almost like the sales process of physical therapy.

I have a little bit of one here, some of the actions we would train them on like how to properly schedule your patients, how to manage your time, what a standard visit looks like. Number one complaint of patients is that therapists never put their hands on the patient. Always put your hands on the patient. How do you control the conversation? Many times, the therapist would complain to us that a patient comes in and they start telling you their entire history from when they’re eight years old. That doesn’t matter or doesn’t relate to what you’re treating them for. How do you control that conversation so you can manage your time? We would put in proper documentation, proper coding and billing expectations because not every insurance is the same in your state. You’ve got to understand and train them. On this insurance, you need to bill this way. You put all these things in here to be successful as a therapist.

Much of this stuff they didn’t come to you with, typically, if they’re coming out of physical therapy school. They may have learned other ways than other practices or maybe they didn’t get any training whatsoever. How awesome is it for you to then be able to put this in front of your PTs then provide and then have some consistency like we’re talking about? How do we reproduce similar results over and over again? If someone can’t follow these instructions the way that we do it at blank Physical Therapy, then I’m sorry. We’ll find someone else who can.

This was great about these books. You train them on it, they start doing their job and they start performing well. If they’re not performing well, you go back to the book and then they get back in line. They start following the successful process to get the results again. If they can’t do it, it’s either A) They don’t want to, or B) They can’t do it. That’s where we have to make the move of letting them go and finding somebody who can.

How long did this take you from beginning to end? You said about six months before you felt comfortable that you had the beginnings or the basics of handbooks for each position in the company.

At about six months I had the handbooks for all of the positions within the company. We were refining them throughout that first year. The best advice I could give you is don’t wait until you have six months to start rolling stuff out. An example of that would be when we came up with a standard visit procedure for a physical therapist. We would roll that policy out. When somebody comes in for therapy, this is what we want or expect to happen. We had this thing called five points of contact, which is when a patient comes in you ask them five things. You do these five specific steps every time they come in for a patient visit. We would roll that out before I had the handbooks done as six months. What was great is by the time we got to the six-month timeframe, a lot of the staff already heard about and had been trained on. When I gave them the book they were like, “This is standard visit procedure. This is the proper coding and billing thing you gave us two months ago.” I was rolling it out at a gradient over time versus, “Here’s this 80-page manual on how to do your job.”

I’m trying to think about it from the employee’s standpoint that this probably provides them some comfort and structure. When you have some structure like that, there’s some confidence in the system itself in the company like, “This is what we do. This is our playbook. This is what we rally around. This is how we know we’re going to win the game.”

Ask other people what they did. You can learn from a ton of people. Learn from their mistakes, so you don't have to make them.
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“This is our expectations and how we’re going to win.” Whatever type of football fan you are whether it’s a Patrick Mahomes or a Tom Brady, they go out there and decided to run their own place. Nobody knows what he’s doing and then the place falls apart. If everybody’s on the same page about what we’re doing and how we do things then it rolls. It runs and it goes by itself. You’ll know when something’s out because it will feel like, “What’s going on? Why are we struggling all of a sudden?” It’s usually because somebody within the organization or in that clinic is not doing something they should be doing. You figure it out and then you move forward.

It’s almost like the play was designed to go to the right and they, all of a sudden, went to the left for some reason. It’s a lot easier for you to take this whether you’re purchasing another clinic or opening another clinic, then the ease of that is significantly greater.

What’s great about this is once you have the playbook, when you go to open another clinic, you move it over and put it in. It’s cookie-cutter. I know when we bought a clinic and we brought this to them, everybody at that clinic was like, “This is so amazing.” Everybody’s felt like all of a sudden their jobs got easier because it provided structure and organization for them. We doubled their business in three months. They were like, “We’re so busy but we feel like we’re not as busy as we used to be.”

To take it further, since we’re talking about growth and expansion, how easy is it then once you have expanded to have the clinic expansion checklist? This is what you do. These are the steps that you take. It has credentialing and it has equipment that you purchase. Here are some timeframes and make sure this is the lease that you have. All those kinds of things can then be an expansion checklist.

What are all the things that made you successful when you opened the clinic and you use to create that checklist, then you follow? It’s a recipe. It’s a playbook on how to make it successful.

You are creating it from thin air. You were successful with one clinic building it up to that certain point. Try to take what you learned from that, the do’s and the don’ts, write it down and put some timeframes to it. Be a little bit conservative and give yourself some time to get things done. It can be easily done if you take the time to do it.

Another part of that is like what we’re doing here. That’s network. Ask other people what they did. I learned from a ton of people. What’s great is you learn from them what you like then you put your own flavor on it and it makes it work and go. Why make mistakes that somebody else already made? Learn from their mistakes so you don’t have to make them.

That’s the total benefit of networking. That’s why I do this show and also have the Facebook group is to make sure people recognize that there are resources out there that can help you do this. Some of these playbooks are available on PPS. You can find some of them. Put your own flavor and spin on them or ask people specific questions in other forums.

PTO 145 | Job Description
Job Description: Whenever you take anyone’s playbook or handbook, make sure it spells out how to do the job successfully.


Whenever you take anyone’s playbook or handbook, make sure it spells out how to do the job successfully. Too many times it will say, “Answer the phones, check patients.” That’s not enough detail. It’s too high level.

Thanks for sharing the way you broke down this stuff so simply. It’s almost too easy. It takes some time. If people wanted to ask you questions about some of the details that you shared, how do they get in touch with you, Sean?

The best way, if you’re on the Facebook group, you can reach out to me through Facebook. Email is always great. My email is This is what I’m doing is helping other businesses and business owners. It’s a lot of fun. It’s great to see other people succeed with it as well.

Thanks for your time. I appreciate it.

It was great. Thanks, Nathan.


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About Sean Miller, PT

A man in a suit and tie is standing on a dirt road.Growing up, Sean always felt the desire to make an impact in others’ life. It was in High School when a friend got hurt playing sports that Sean was introduced to the power of Physical Therapy and the impact it has on others’ life. From that experience, Sean has set a course in his life to be a Physical Therapist and change others’ lives. Receiving his Bachelors of Science from Brigham Young University in 1999, Sean then pursued his dream of getting his education in Physical Therapy.

In 2001 Sean graduated from Texas Woman’s University in Dallas Texas. Moving to Arizona in 2002 working for others Sean became very proficient as a Physical Therapist. After years of treating patients full-time, Sean realized that he was just 1 Physical Therapist and only had the ability to treat so many patients at one time. It was this realization that sparked the dream of owning his own practice. ”What if we had multiple therapists all with the same skill and passion. The impact would be even bigger than just 1 therapist”. From this, Sean opened Kinect Physical Therapy in 2012. “Opening Kinect Physical Therapy has been one of my greatest challenges, but to see the larger impact we have on the communities and in our patients is why I do this.”

As Sean was developing his outpatient practices, he noticed that there was a pattern in success being achieved. This success he noticed was not just applicable to his outpatient physical therapy practice but to life. These patterns of success he noticed are principles or laws. Principles because they are laws that are true. True meaning that when applied properly success has to happen. It was through this process of running his practice and life on these principles that Sean has found continued success.

Since leaving Empower Sean is passionate about sharing these principles with other physical therapists so they can enjoy these successes as well.

Sean when not making an impact on others’ lives enjoys spending his time with his wife and their 4 children. He is often found on the sporting fields coaching his boys’ teams, at the lake wake surfing, or headed to the beach to enjoy the waves and surfing. His favorite quote that he lives by is: “We are what we repeatedly do, excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit.” – Aristotle.


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