The Solution To The PT’s Biggest Problem With Marc Moore, PT

Nathan Shields • November 2, 2021
A person is typing on a laptop computer.


What’s the PT’s biggest problem? It’s finishing documentation. The time and energy it takes to do documentation properly and in a timely manner is a headache that we all must endure. Enter Marc Moore , PT, the owner of Moore Physical Therapy. Marc talks with Nathan Shields about how he found a solution for his clinic. It has changed the lives of his PTs on staff, a benefit that will retain them for a long time. In this episode, he shares the benefits of having a scribe on the team and what that looks like. PT owners would be wise to adopt this practice! Do you want to get rid of your documentation headache? Then you need to tune in to this episode.

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The Solution To The PT’s Biggest Problem With Marc Moore, PT

I’ve got a long-time friend, fellow PT schoolmate, respected friend, and associate, Marc Moore, of Moore Physical Therapy  and Owner of . Marc, thanks for joining me.

I’m happy to be here, Nathan. It’s been a long time since you’ve been asking and finally, we got together. We got the guts up to talk on your show, which is awesome.

You were one of the first people I told that I was starting this show, before I even moved up to Alaska several years ago. I knew eventually I’d have you the show but I’m surprised that it took this long run.

I’ve been running.

I know all about you. We’ve been physical therapists. We went to Northern Arizona University, graduated in ‘99 as lumberjacks from a physical therapy program there. Tell the audience a little bit about your ownership journey and what you’re doing.

In 2002, I opened a private practice in Mesa, Arizona. I named it my last name, Moore Physical Therapy. I might call it a mistake at this point, but at any rate, it’s been good. I have loved the journey as a PT and particularly as an owner of a company. We grew steadily over the course of the years but took off in 2015, 2016 when we decided to expand and opened an additional office in 2017 in Gold Canyon, Arizona. In 2019, we opened the third clinic in Tempe, Arizona and we’re growing a company out here in the East Valley, Phoenix area.

It’s always been awesome to watch your progress and the growth that you’ve had over time. Marc and I are not only longtime friends and associates, but we’re also members of a similar Peer2Peer  group inside PPS. We’ve been able to look at your business specifically and some of the things that you’ve done to improve it over the years.

One of the reasons I wanted to bring you on, not only because you are a successful physical therapist but one aspect that you brought to the table a few years ago, was that your usage of scribes in the practice. I want to get into that a little bit and talk to you about how did you come upon that idea and how did you integrate that into your program. We can spend a lot of the time during our discussion about scribes and other things, but tell us a little bit about what brought that into play.

Work with somebody who shares your values first and foremost.
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In 2015, I realized I was one of these guys that put it off but finally decided to get some coaching. As Nathan talks about a lot, this is a pivotal moment in a lot of people’s journeys. I started to take some coaching and I was in a workshop with Jamey Schrier . He said he was on your show, a well-known great guy. It was interesting, I was in that and I was talking to another participant there. He was a chiropractor because Jamie will have mostly PTs, but also other practitioners in his program. The guy was talking about having a scribe in his chiropractic office.

I can’t remember where he was at, somewhere on the East Coast. It stuck. I couldn’t get it out of my mind. It was constantly this thought that you’ve got to do that. I took a lot of things out of that workshop, but that was the one thing that resonated with me. I was staying late after work, doing notes. It’s common in the outpatient orthopedic world, with your patients and you’re still there hammering out notes. It’s miserable and it’s the part of the job that you dislike the most. In fact, I always say to people, “When you look at different professions, like a plumber, what’s the worst part of his job?” We all can fill in the blank.

What if you’re a mailman? That’s the dog that bites you. What if you’re the school teacher? It’s not the kids, it’s the stinking parents. In PT, what’s the worst part about your job? Everybody’s like, “We all know the answer to that.” It’s clear. It’s finishing documentation. It’s the notes. I was fed up and I had decided that I was going to do some things differently now. I was going to eliminate things in my life. One of the things that I got from Jamey’s workshop was I was going to do an activity inventory. Look at all the things in my workplace. What are all the things that I do day to day?

I wasn’t answering the phones anymore. I was early in my professional or my ownership and I wasn’t scheduling the patients. I’d given away all these things, but certain things I still own that I thought only I could do, but I didn’t want to do them anymore. This activity inventory was a list of things that remove your energy, that take energy away from you. List them at the top, start chipping away, and get rid of that stuff that takes energy from you. The top of my list was obvious. It was documentation. I had to do something about reducing the time that I was spending in notes and documentation. That’s why when I talked to the chiropractor, and he said that, it wouldn’t leave my brain. I’m like, “I’ve got to get rid of that.”

You’re not alone. Documentation is the thing. Even in the web PT surveys that they do have 7,000 to 10,000 different physical therapists, always at the top of the list. It’s the headaches that surround the EMR, mainly documentation.

I’ve asked that question to a lot of people and they all say, “It’s easy.” It’s outpatient ortho. It’s easy. The answer is clear. It’s documentation that they like the least. I made a decision. I was going to do something about it. On January 1st, 2016, Heidi arrived at the clinic.

A day that lives in infamy.

PTO 161 | PT's Biggest Problem
Who Not How: The Formula to Achieve Bigger Goals Through Accelerating Teamwork

It’s a day that is close to my heart. I said, “I’m going to construct this. I’m going to invent this. I’m going to make it what it is because I didn’t have anybody out there to guide me in the process. I didn’t have a who.” Nathan, I talk a lot about Dan Sullivan’s Who Not How . It’s a book that is at the top of my list. I needed a who, someone who would take that load off me. I hired Heidi.

Did you hire her specifically to be a scribe? When you hired her, you said, “You are going to be my scribe?” Did you hire her as a tech with some scribe responsibilities on the side?

I hired her as a scribe and said, “If you have downtime, you’ll help out as a tech or other ways. You can answer phones.” I was inventing this. I hired her as a scribe and never looked back. Now we have scribes in all three of our clinics. It’s such an advantage in many ways.

We are going to talk a little bit about what you do, maybe how you train them a little bit, what you’re willing to share. Do you look for certain people as you’re trying to hire for scribes? Do they have a certain skillset or personality? They don’t have to have degrees, I’m sure. They just have to know how to run the keyboard, I’m assuming.

Here’s what I’ve found, which is part of the beauty of this, is that people love this job. I’ve never hired a scribe that didn’t come to me within a couple of days and go, “I love this. I love it.” They love it. If you’ve got somebody who shares the values, that’s first and foremost, and is going to be someone who you can work well with and they are interested in being part of a healthcare team which a lot of people do. This is a lot of the same people that you hire to work as your patient care coordinator.

These are people who want to be around patients, want to be helping, but they’re right there. They feel their frontline because they’re in the initial evaluation. They’re gleaning and capturing all of the things that you’re learning from your patient in that initial evaluation. They realize what the plan is and what the goals are. They’ve got some medical terminology that increases their ability and they love all that. I don’t know that I could say I figured out the best candidate for that but I’ve found that it’s not hard to find because the job is enjoyable.

As long as their value-aligned, which should be appropriately so for anyone who joins your company, but have some interest in healthcare, it’s intriguing to people. In a way, you’re pulling back the curtain and letting them see what it’s like to be a physical therapist because they’re intimately involved in the process, taking all this personal information, writing down the objective data. Do you have to spend a lot of time training them on terminologies and vocabulary? I’m sure they have to spend a significant amount of time doing some training on your EMR.

That is where there’s a lot of work and time that needs to be invested like in any job. The moral physical therapy way like we do it in a certain way at our offices. Whoever else out there, they’re going to have their ways, too, but this can integrate. They do not necessarily have one way of doing this. It can fold right into a company’s purposes and missions and their methods as well. I have 4 or 5 main things that happened when I put a scribe in our company.

One, it reduced my documentation time by 60%. The quality of my documentation went way up, way improved, way better. My plans of care and the buy-in that I got from my patients on plan of care on the first visit and subsequent visits way improved. This one thing we’re talking about now, there was uniformity and there is now a fairly uniform methodology across three clinics. Imagine that. You’ve got all these different providers, PTs and PTAs’ right notes and having different ways that they do things. It doesn’t push anybody into a corner, but it allows some uniformity because they’re using the same scribes. There is some there that helps in your company.

The last of those five items is maybe the biggest, which is when you go to hire new PTs and you’re a total advantage. When someone’s competing and saying, “I might go work for this guy. I work for you. Did you say that you’re going to reduce my documentation by 60%? I’m going to go with you.”

I can totally see that as an advantage.

Those are the main things that stand out and there are others.

I’m sure it’s not a hands-off process and you’ve got a detailed process as to how you introduce the scribe into the room and any better processes to what verbiage they’re going to say. You’re also reviewing this documentation after the fact and telling and you might be even giving them certain phrases like, “Write this down word for word.” I’m assuming that, over time, the way you’re training and telling them what to do becomes uniform, but also the quality of the documentation improves and their ability to read your mind to an extent. They start throwing out stuff that they know you would say.

Looking at your patient, and not at your notes or computer, establishes a real connection with them.
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We are creatures of habit. Let’s not pretend like we’re not. They see patterns quickly. For the most part, they’re an observer. They’re capturing information. Imagine that in your evaluation and you never take your eyes off your patient, not once. Your eyes are on them unless you’re looking at your goniometer. You’re looking in their eyes and talking to them about them, goals, purpose, and things that are meaningful. All the while, this is all being captured. It’s wonderful that way. You can’t predict what the patients are going to say but you can prepare your scribe to be concise and not ruin on every sentence and everything has been said.

That comes with some experience with some training but this is not transcription. It’s not an advocation of the role of the PT. It’s a trained individual that loves what they’re doing to be an extension of you, the provider, and produce what you would produce if you had the time, energy, and wanted to. They’ll do even better than you will.

I could see they could get carried away with those patients that spent 30 minutes on their past history, and you don’t want them capturing all of that word for word. It takes a little bit of training. Does it also take some training to help them understand what quality documentation is and what is needed by some of the potential auditors and whatnot? Do you send them through some of that training and talk them through that?

That’s a component that we need to make sure that we are on the up in every way. There’s no certification for this as of yet, but it is something that I’m working on. That would be something that we could create some uniformity over the time so that we can see this as a profession that’s recognized, has certifications and whatnot. That’s certainly not outside of the realm of possibility. It’s still in the works. We want to make sure that this is serving all the interests, the payers, the providers, the owners.

I’m also assuming one of the byproducts is that your initial evaluation times have decreased. It doesn’t take an hour to do an initial evaluation. You’re doing the most important things, getting the most important information, and moving on.

The biggest thing is your initial evaluations and your progress notes. Those are the notes that typically take us more time during the day. The other thing is that we’re busy. Oftentimes, we’ll be working with somebody and they’ll make a comment about something, “We’re able to walk up five stairs without using the handrail, which is three more than last time we talked.” Some distant part of the day after you’ve seen other three patients, you’re like, “What’s that Mrs. Smith said something about the stairs? I can’t remember what.” It’s going to be captured well accurately because that’s the reason the scribe is there. They’re going to capture that.

Another thing is because a scribe, for instance, in one of our offices, we’ll have as many as four providers at one time and that one scribe is providing the scribing work for four of them. It’s not one-on-one. This person can work with everybody in that office. If I’m seeing a patient comes in and I’m talking to this patient, finding out how they’ve done over the weekend or whatever since we’ve seen them last and my scribe was working with another one of the providers, that’s fine.

You don’t have to deal with that second but when that scribe is done and comes over, and I feel her on my right shoulder here and I know she’s there, then I’m going to say, “Mrs. Smith, tell me again what you were saying. Did I hear this right?” I can restate to Mrs. Smith what I heard her say. What does that do? It gives her a chance to go, “I am totally heard and understood.”

This PT listens. He understands. If she says, “No, that’s not what I meant at all.” “Let’s make sure we get this right. What is it that you said?” That’s all captured and that’s why the quality of our information goes up. Oftentimes, it’s not just capturing it right as it comes out, it’s asking that patient, and this is what we’re trained to do, is let’s ask that patient, “Do I understand you correct you’re saying the following?” That restatement is validating their concerns, their worries, their thrills, the things they’re excited about connects you more deeply with your patient, which we know that connection between provider and patient is as essential as anything to see that patient improve and get better.

They want to feel that connection and maybe it’s not a statistic that you measured, but has it changed maybe retention rates or your completed discharge rates?

Plans of care, it’s way up. When we opened this clinic in Tempe, we’re starting with a little bit of a skeleton crew because it’s a new clinic and you’ve got a lot of startup expenses and stuff. We went for a while without a scribe. When we got that scribe and added it in, we see those changes and improvements.

I loved one of the benefits that you pointed out, and that was how it improved your plans of care. Tell me about that a little bit. How did it affect your plans of care and the patients buying into it?

When you’re sitting there looking at the patient, not looking at your notes, not looking at a computer, laptop, or anything of that sort, you’re connecting with them. This is part of the uniformity, we have a way of asking Mrs. Smith. This is the question. This is the question, “Six weeks from now, if you and I are sitting here having this conversation, what is it that you need to happen in between now and then that would make you satisfied with this relationship with you and in our clinic?” That’s, by the way, not my question. That’s Dan Sullivan’s question. It’s called the Dan Sullivan Question. He’s my entrepreneurial coach. Chad Johnson is my coach but we asked that question. What you get from that is such a connection between what they want.

When you can restate back to them what they said to you even better than they could have said it to you because you have the ability to articulate it through the lens of somebody who understands their disease, their pathology, and their anatomy, and you put it back to them and they go, “What you said, that’s what I want. Buy-in.” Your chance of executing the full plan of care and having that patient become a well patient and having succeeded, goes way up, which also then, in turn, makes your whole experience better.

Your staff loves their jobs better. You’re getting into why you’re doing this in the first place. You do this to help people. It helps the business, because as a business, we’ve got to be aware of profits. This is the profitability factor. Completed plans of care and the satisfaction of individuals that both work for you and come through your doors, these are all hard to measure things, but we all know about them and we’re working on them all the time.

Was there a concern that you’re taking on this additional salary, that there was going to be this additional expense? It’s hard to get ROI out of this position, but the trade-off is great, even if it’s not fiscal.

It is fiscal.

Tell me.

It’s right in front of our faces. You got a PT. What do you pay your PT?

Mid $70,000 per year salary.

Let’s say it’s $40 an hour or something of that sort. What do you pay a scribe?

I don’t know.

Not even half of that.

$12, $15?

There’s your answer. You’ve taken from a $40 an hour person a task and you’ve given it to $13 an hour person or whatever that is in your region makes sense. It’s right in front of your face. That’s obvious.

That $40 a person is no longer doing the $13 an hour job. They can focus on doing $40 per hour things.

How could that not help your plan of care become more likely to be executed and have your outcomes skyrocket because they can spend the time like people that are working as physiotherapists? Now, I’m out of the office. I haven’t worked seeing patients, which is one of my personal objectives where I’ve gotten and I’m happy about that. Those who work for me, they’re the most amazing people, and they’re there. Their whole heart is to help people get better.

That’s the reason they’re there. If they’re not doing it, if they’re doing stuff that doesn’t move toward that direction, then it’s not happy. That’s not why they went to school. That’s not why they’d done all this. What does a happy employee cost? What’s the value of that? What’s the value of somebody who’s going to stay with you for a long time and maybe forever because this fits their needs? Eventually, everyone’s going to do this. It’s a no-brainer.

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I’d imagine you probably noticed this in the Tempe clinic specifically, but once you implemented the scribe, morale probably changed a little bit. The feeling in the clinic was a little bit lighter and happier, would you say?

Who notices this is the providers? They do drive providers. PTs in your office drive the morale of the office. Everybody’s speeding off them. They’re the ones making decisions. You affect that person, you affect the whole thing. Oftentimes, we do in our office is we ask one of our physical therapists to be a clinic director. They’ve got additional roles and responsibilities. This frees them more, too, if you can imagine. It can’t help.

I love the fact that you have them share between your space for providers. Do you think there’s a limit to that? If someone has 15 providers in a clinic that maybe they need 2, 3, or 4.

There’s capacity there. We’ve found a formula that works for us, but then you can also use this individual as part of your team in other ways, too. Let’s say, for instance, you’ve got a single provider clinic and it’s not enough work to have a full-time, all-the-time scribe. They’re healthcare-minded people that want to provide care. There are places where they can help out in your office. We’ve experienced this. We’ve been doing this for several years. We’ve got a lot of experience.

You find them being a scribe for four providers, it doesn’t necessarily keep them busy full time. They should be finding other things to do.

With them of four providers is pushing the limits of an individual scribe. Three is a sweet spot, at least in our format, the way we do it. You can vary that a great deal, for instance. If a person’s coming in and it’s a daily note that you’re doing, you’re not doing a progress note or an evaluation of the sort, they’re going to be capturing subjectives and helping capture objectives from the provider. That’s not a whole lot there.

It depends. There’ve been periods of time when they can’t capture all of those things. They primarily are doing the progress notes or the vows. There’s some flexibility there but your providers also understand that, “If the tribe’s busy, I can also do my note. I don’t need to wait for them.” If it’s a quick daily note, you can punch it out and go. You don’t have to use the scribe if it doesn’t make sense.

If the scribe could even help them 60%, 70%, 80% of the time, that’s a huge load off of their plate.

It’s much more like 95% that they’re capturing.

When that scribe calls in sick, that’s a pretty sad day in the clinic, I assume.

It got to the point where they have forgotten what it was like to go without it. They’re like, “What’s going on here? The scribes not here.” You’re like, “You have to do your own notes.” “What? I didn’t sign up for this.”

Welcome to the rest of the world.

That’s a moment where you can say, “There are other offices around town that don’t have strategies. It works for them all the time. Never have one.”

Forty hours a week writing notes.

I remembered why I like you so much.

Do you have a hard time filling that position of scribe when it’s open?

We never have had. I’ve realized this when I have friends at other places in the country, like our friend in New Mexico. It’s not all like it is here for us. We seem to have plenty of folks that we can draw from and we can find good people.

When you tell them that, “In this position, you’re going to be riding a lot, you’re going to be following the providers,” do you find that alone weeds some people out or gets them excited?

I’m not looking for just anybody. We’re looking for a who. We’re looking for the person that says, “I can do this better than you can. I surely can do it better than your PT scan, like type, capture information. I’m better than all the people here.” There are who. There are person that knows how to come in and make it happen. They need to learn a little bit about physical therapy and about the system but they’re coming in proud of their abilities to type fast, capture information, be able to glean it, make it concise, and what the providers want to be.

They have their little rolling station and when you’re done with an initial evaluation, they roll out and find the next patient that they haven’t captured information on yet, ask them how they’re doing, talk to the PTs, and work the clinic all day long.

Don't miss out on years where you could be making more progress.
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The patients know them. They’re engaged with patients because the patients see them every time they come in. That’s Heidi. She comes every time. It gives you that moment as a provider to make sure that you put your thinking brain on with that patient. You’re not just going into treatment mode. Heidi is going to come over behind you and you’re going to have to go, “Let’s capture the pertinent and important information here.” It’s good for the provider.

There’ve been many times when I’ve been in a particularly challenging evaluation. Usually, I’ve got patterns of how I do an eval. For whatever reason, this patient threw me curve balls. I was out on some other tangent going, “What’s going on here?” Trying to figure it out the scribe will say, “Don’t forget, you usually do this assessment with this kind of patient. Did you want to do a straight leg raise test here?” “Yeah.” “Thank you.” I always do that test. I needed to get that neuro attention information, but at that moment, it was lost. They help in a lot of ways and they know that. You turn and look and you say, “Without you, it wouldn’t be as good here.” They love what they’re doing for you.

We’ve covered a ton of stuff about scribes. Is there anything else you want to share that maybe we missed?

We are a new company, this Rehab Scribe that we are opening. We are capable of taking on clients across the country because this training can be done virtually. We don’t hire. We do give some guidelines and guidance in hiring but we can train your people in your place. Oftentimes, someone in your organization already exists. We can turn that person into the who for you. We’re happy to be of help.

I was saying to Nathan before we started this show, I want everybody who’s felt my pain, which is the pain of outpatient orthopedic. After the people leave and you’re still sitting there, I want you guys to not have that. I want people to start doing this so that they get home to their families and stop doing notes or taking notes home, which we’ve all done. I’ve done it. It’s a little bit of an investment but financially, it does make sense. It comes back.

Are there any other small things that you’ve done over the course of your ownership journey? You’ve been a practice owner for several years. Any other small things that you’ve done that have impacted your business that you would share?

I’m reading this blog, Nathan. I was prepared for that question or a variation of some sort. I was thinking to myself, “What are some of the things?” I listened to the other successful PT owners come on. I gleaned a lot, I pray, I value that, and I appreciate that. Three things that stood out to me, one was my morning routine. As good as my morning is, it’s as good as my day is going to be. Those first two uninterrupted hours of the day are important. Getting coaching, reaching out to get somebody to help you.

PTO 161 | PT's Biggest Problem
Think and Grow Rich

You need it. Even though all the information I believe that I need is already inside here. Great coaches don’t necessarily add stuff in your brain. They just pull it out of what you already got. Mastermind groups. We’ve been in together through the Peer2Peer program of APTA, and other mastermind groups that I’m in are helpful to me. Those are the things and there are many of others, but those are big. They change things.

I can tell that you’ve made a difference from an outsider’s perspective, that you’ve made significant changes in your business as you’ve gotten the coaching, as you’ve done the networking, and as you’ve pulled yourself out of treating. You’ve had more time to work on your business. All those have been influential in your growth and I’ve seen the growth in your company because you’ve done those specific steps.

If I go back and I look at my first coaching I took, 2015, a few years later, I opened my second clinic after twelve years of going along. Two years after that, I opened my third clinic. Two years after that, I take myself out of treating patients altogether and doing what I want to do now, which is to be a business owner. I know a lot of people that, that’s not a fast movement. They could have done all that in six months and I know that. For me, I like that. That’s the progress that I’m thankful for. I don’t think I’ve done all that but it’s worked out in that fashion and I’m grateful.

Looking back on where we’re at now and because we’ve had a similar trajectory to our schooling and careers.

We did open our clinics within months with each other and within maybe it’s fifteen miles of each other.

We’ve been tied in a lot of our pursuits. What would you go back and tell the Marc Moore of 2002 when he first opened up his clinic? Is there any advice, 1 or 2 things you’d say “You’ve got to do this. The sooner you do it, the better?”

Don’t have a scarcity mindset as much as I did. I realized that you make decisions based on fear that you’re going to run out of stuff, run out of money, time, and whatnot. One of them would be, get coaching much earlier. I read your interview with Adam Robin . That guy’s a stud. He jumped in. A year after starting PT clinic or something like that, he’s coaching. I’m like, “Good job.”

How much money would you have saved if you had gotten coaching early on? Instead of learning from the school of hard knocks, you could have saved so much headache, time, money, energy on poor employees, you name it.

To me, it would have been why I have waited long to feel much fulfillment. Money aside, I’ve wanted certain things for myself like we all do. It’s putting it off where I could have started expanding my influence and acting on my desires, goals, and inward wants. That’s the loss that I feel. It’s like I missed out on some years where I could’ve been making more progress.

You could have had a greater impact sooner, right?

Yes. To my family, to my employees, to myself.

You could have achieved some fulfillment sooner and maybe be able to be a little bit more clear about it.

I can go and think to myself, “What do I feel my own value is?” My value has to do a lot with do I act on the impressions that come to me? I wanted to open a second clinic within a couple of years of opening my first one, I was always going to do that twelve years later. Why hadn’t I? It was because I needed some nudging, I needed to take some time and to act on those impressions that were coming to me and not just listen to the fear that comes right after the message.

One of the most influential books that I’ve read was one you shared with me called  Who Not How . You’ve already referenced it in our conversation by Dan Sullivan and, who was the guy that wrote it?

Ben Hardy.

It totally changed my thought processes. I’m still filling out impact filters. Any other books that have been influential?

PTO 161 | PT's Biggest Problem
The Road Less Stupid

The Road LessStupid  by Keith Cunningham. That is a book that will help you think. What I mean by that is, I don’t know how many, maybe 40 different sets of questions that you should be thinking about. You should stop and get a quiet place. You should think and write. Your prompts, if you’d say it that way, but it’s accompanied with some background as to why that question is important. It’s nice. It’s a great book and that one’s been helpful. That one’s going to be something I’m going to have on my desk for years as I’m working through it.

Is that a small business book? Is that more of a self-help book?

It’s a business book. It’s specific to your business. We got to always give homage to Covey, 7 Habits  was early and it’s still powerful. Oftentimes, it’s skipped over. It’s timeless. His son, Sean Covey, with a group of other authors, I feel bad I don’t remember the others, wrote something called The 4 Disciplines of Execution , 4DX. I love that book. That’s been helpful to me. That’s that Marriott, the hotel’s method for how they execute their company. That’s been good. Those are all books and there are many others.

I want to pick your brain because of what you provided me. I’ll have to check out The Road Less Stupid . That came from left field. I hadn’t heard that one.

Ben Hardy and Dan Sullivan are authoring another book. It’s about to come out. This is Dan’s second big market book. Those who know Dan, he produces a book every 90 days. Who Not How  was his first widely published book. The other books he produces are for people that are in his workshops. That was a major market book, Who Not How,  and it did well. I can’t remember this other one is. It’s called The Gap and The Gain .  It’s an awesome concept. I haven’t read the book yet but I know the concept well. I’ve been benefiting from it for years.

I remember listening to his podcast and he talked about the gap. It’s going to be a big elaboration on the gap, I assume.

The same author, Ben Hardy, who’s awesome. He’s a stud. He’s got other books of his own. Their collaboration is incredible. Dan Sullivan writes zero of the book. He goes to Ben, “Here’s the concept,” and trusts him. Ben is his who and steps away. Ben writes the whole book. Not any words in there unless Ben happened to be quoting him. It’s not in dense writing. He’s a great example of getting people like a scribe, someone who wants to do and loves to do that particular work. The other thing about it is in every job that’s out there, there’s somebody around you that loves that job. Especially the ones you hate much. Give it to them, let them run with it because they’re going to do much better job than you are.

We talked about that a lot in my masterminds, are a number of therapists, some more than others, but most of them dislike marketing. It’s because of their dislike of marketing that their marketing efforts are stunted. Numbers get low and they do more marketing. Numbers come up and they stop marketing or they try singular efforts every now and again in that kind of thing, whereas the guys who are successful.

If you’re going to take a page out of those successful books, it’s to find the who. “You don’t like marketing. Let’s find someone that does, that loves to visit doctor’s offices and play the game and try to get past that front desk person.” People like doing that. Find that person, let them do it. When you get a consistent marketing engine going, even if it’s a part-time person, the number significantly improved. In my business, once I found someone to do the job I hated, that area of my business improved. It’s awesome that you’ve taken this concept down to the scribe level.

PTO 161 | PT's Biggest Problem
PT’s Biggest Problem: Scribes primarily make the progress notes.

I’m trying to live that concept as much as I can because there are still things in my life. Going back to the activity inventory that I did years ago and wrote on all the little things that I do. There are still items on that list that I might be good at. I might even be the best at more organization but it removes energy from me because I don’t like it or it’s not keeping me in the areas that I love and bring me energy. I’m still trying to chip away and I will for the rest of my life. Let’s be honest, this is a process and I know that.

That’s an impactful exercise for you and it’s one that you’re still going back to, it sounds like, years later.

It’ll be forever. Everything I do every day is only what brings me energy, but then, what’s going to happen? My interests will change and then I’ll be like, “I don’t like that anymore. Now, I want to paraglide or something.”

I got back from a golfing trip and that’s something that could give me energy every day. I have no other concerns about how well I’m going to play golf. Thanks for your time again. If people want to reach out to you, how do they get in touch with you?

In regards to the scribe, it is . Give me an email. If they’re interested in getting some help in developing, describing their clinic, we’ll get on the phone. We’ll do consultation and find out what their needs are and make a decision.

Thanks for your time, Marc. I appreciate it.

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About Marc Moore

PTO 161 | PT's Biggest ProblemMarc Moore is the owner of Moore Physical Therapy. His company has a 19-year history and 3 locations in the East Valley of the Phoenix AZ metropolitan area.

Marc also owns and is passionate about the use of scribes in clinics to elevate the PT experience for patients and providers alike.

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