Small Actions That Generate HUGE Results With NeuFit Founder Garrett Salpeter

Nathan Shields • November 2, 2021
Small actions that generate huge results with neufit founder garrett salpeter


If you want your business to generate seven figures, all you need is a business differentiator – small actions that can help your business stand out from the competition. Joining Nathan Shields today is Garrett Salpeter , the Founder of NeuFit   and the creator of the Neubie, a device that safely sends direct current signals precisely to where a patient is experiencing pain or muscle movement limitations, re-educating the muscles by tapping into the power of the nervous system. Garrett talks about some simple business principles that can help generate HUGE results in your practice. Learn how NeuFit differentiates itself from all the other recovery and training services out there. Plus, discover how to motivate and set goals for your clients so that they will keep coming back for more.

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Small Actions That Generate HUGE Results With NeuFit Founder Garrett Salpeter

In this episode, I’ve got Garrett Salpeter. He is the Founder and CEO of NeuFit , which is a new company technology method for PTs who are using it to improve patient outcomes for a variety of issues. Garrett, thanks for joining me. I appreciate it.

It’s a pleasure to be here. Thanks for having me on.

It’s great to have you because I’ve heard about you through my network of people and they’re excited about the technology that you’ve brought to their clinics but you’re not specifically a physical therapist. Tell me a little bit about your background and how you got into this physical therapy space?

My academic and educational background is originally in Physics and Engineering. I did graduate work in both Engineering and Neuroscience. I had always been passionate about physiology and the human body. I’d been an athlete and was into working out and I did a lot of that in my spare time. This allowed me to combine all the things that I’m passionate about. I’ve found that place where that Venn diagram overlaps. From the engineering side, I was initially interested in the technology and then applying neuroscience and the principles of neurology into daily practice. How doing that could create these transformative experiences for people.

It’s interesting because the initial catalyst for this is an experience I had back. When I was in college, I was an ice hockey player. In my senior year, I had some torn ligaments in my wrist. I was told I was going to need surgery to be out for three months and I figured that would be that based on my experience with traditional sports medicine. I, fortunately, met a chiropractic neurologist and he introduced me to these two powerful principles. These two powerful things were tremendous influences on me.

One was functional neurology. Instead of focusing on the tissues and structures of the body, we also could focus and there was a lot of value in focusing on the neurological response to injury and trauma, the guarding, inhibition and pain. By optimizing function, we could support, accelerate and optimize healing. The other major piece of that experience was seeing the healing benefits of direct current. It was a more primitive microcurrent type at the time, but I saw firsthand how that helped my ligaments heal on their own and I avoided surgery.

That planted the seeds and created within me this calling to share that type of work with as many people as I could. A lot of my graduate education and subsequent work was trying to follow the breadcrumb trail and piece together ways to explain and harness the power of those experiences that I had. Along the way, I started working with clinicians to bring in that clinical piece, take these concepts and bring them down to where the rubber meets the road in day-to-day practice.

When did you start the company, NeuFit?

We started working on the Neubie device in 2015 and doing various experiments and then we finally launched the device in 2017. It built out. As part of my experience along the way, I was using more primitive technology and working with a couple of clinicians here in the Austin, Texas area. I had been doing that for several years prior and that’s where I kept seeing these opportunities. I want the technology to be able to do more. I want the methods to evolve. All of those experiences finally led up to the point where I had no idea I would lead a company that was creating a device or anything. I never had any idea that I would do that until it finally was like, we want it to happen. It seems the only way there is to do it ourselves and I decided to do it.

You eventually became a business owner. Now you own this device and this technology that’s making significant changes in patient outcomes.

All your business needs in order to hit seven figures is a differentiator, a wow factor.
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I’ve had the tremendous honor of working with clinicians around the country now and in some other countries around the world. It’s been incredible to see how they’ve been able to not only get as good outcomes as we were able to see here in Austin and our proof of concept home office but take it into new areas. Create these wonderful transformative outcomes in different patient populations, finding new applications and it’d be cool to see how it’s grown in those last several years.

I’m hearing about it here over the past through a coaching client, people in my network, hands-on diagnostics and PT owners that are using it there but you were telling me that there are also professional sports organizations that are utilizing it for the benefit of their athletes.

We’ve been honored to work with the last two World Series Champion teams. The Dodgers and the Nationals have been using it. Working with them has been incredible. It’s led to these cool behind-the-scenes experiences that I never dreamed I’d be able to have and going and training the staff of pro teams and this Division 1 universities, being in their facilities, meeting the players, coaches and staff. It’s been fun and cool to see how it can impact those athletes. It can create some of these amazing outcomes with acute injury and then also with ongoing recovery, movement prep, activation and then across the continuum of care, return to play and ongoing performance.

Managing fatigue and training, managing all those variables in season in a grueling Major League Baseball or NHL. It’d be a season where managing training, rest and recovery is such an interesting challenge and opportunity because if you can do it better than the other teams, you can do better in the late season and playoffs. It’s been cool to get to collaborate with people in that realm.

Congratulations that you’ve gotten that far with your business. I am bringing you on. We want to talk a lot about business concepts as it’s related to what you’ve learned in your development of the Neubie through NeuFit. A lot of those business concepts are things that are immediately applicable to physical therapists. We’re talking about differentiation, getting patient buy-in, retention, cash pay services, consistency of care for patient results that aren’t owner-dependent. Talk to us a little bit about that and how some of the things that you’ve learned in introducing the Neubie have improved businesses in general that aren’t specific to the Neubie?

I think we can spend a long time unpacking each of those bullet points that you mentioned there in terms of differentiation and helping to create a quality of care that’s not owner-dependent. All of these things are wonderful topics. We started to see success in this area here in Austin. Our home office is our part laboratory and part showroom.

It’s a facility where we have two physical therapists working with us. We’ve had other types of practitioners at different times, chiropractors, athletic trainers, several strength conditioning coaches, so we’re working with people across this whole continuum of care. When we started to see our model grow, we hit a revenue milestone of doing over seven figures, over $1 million a year out of 1,200 square feet, all-cash with not a single dollar of insurance collected.

We started to see one of the biggest things that drove that for us was this concept of having a differentiator. This experience of being able to create that wow factor for people. A lot of it is as simple as in this day and age, “Our attention spans are short. We want results now.” That’s a theme infused through our culture. If you provide a service to somebody where they come in with pain and they leave with noticeably less pain, more range of motion, some tangible improvement, then you have their attention because that’s unusual, one and two, it meets a need for them. It gives them something that they want and they’re willing to invest their time and their out-of-pocket dollars in order to continue to experience.

In that regard, we haven’t done anything in our clinic that’s interesting or compelling sales-wise. We use this product with virtually everybody and lead with our differentiator. In many ways, the experience sells itself and makes people want to want to come back. Also, complete their plan of care. That’s something that we’ve now been able to interact with wonderful clinic owners around the country. We’ve heard and looked at some statistics and tried to wrap our heads around how we can help PT business owners. The same people you’re working with.

One of the things that we found is that some of those statistics were staggering around how many patients drop off and don’t even complete their plan of care. We’d have a lot of people come to our clinic all the time and be like, “I was seeing a PT, but they’re having me do these wimpy exercises. I can’t do them on my own at home. I don’t feel like I’m getting a lot of value.”

In the traditional model, there is a lot of that. Even if it’s covered by insurance, they’re still spending their time, effort and attention being with you. A couple of practice owners are shared with us that they dramatically increased the percentage of patients that complete their plan of care. That helps their volume, their number of visits per week and per month. It helps those averages go up.

PTO 165 | NeuFit
You can focus less on tissues and body structure and more on the neurological response to injury and trauma. By optimizing function, you can accelerate healing.

It’s interesting because you’ve hit on a few of those things there and the first one that you talked about having a differentiator. Your differentiator could be certain body parts, demographics or sports. It could be anything in particular. What I’ve seen in terms of those people who are growing and have a unique culture and that has greater energy around it, so they are prepared for expansion are those that have, set themselves up as the experts in blank.

For example, the one couple that comes to mind is Angie  and Joe McGilvrey down in Florida. I know they have a Neubie down there. I’ve done an interview with Angie. She talked about how several years ago, a hurricane came through and wiped out their clinic. They were down for a couple of months. Prior to the hurricane, they were your traditional outpatient orthopedic clinics. All patients and insurances. It seemed a humdrum run of the mill physical therapy clinic.

That was doing okay but took this opportunity with the hurricane, knowing that they were going to have to rebuild their business from scratch to say, “What do we want to do? What do we want to see? What patient population do we want to focus on?” When they decided to focus on the 30-year-old female CrossFit athlete, now they knew what their marketing message was. They knew what their focus was going to be.

A lot of people would say, “I don’t want to see 30-year-old CrossFit athletes.” Those are the people that are going to tell their mothers, dads, friends and who are CrossFit athletes to come to you guys because you’re specialists. They’re also going to see that you’re focused on athletes and your social media messaging. Other athletes from other disciplines are going to come and see you. That differentiator could be any number of things. It can generate some energy, growth and at least being known for something.

One of the things that have helped us in our clinic is doing that exact thing, is creating that avatar, identifying that ideal customer and I’ll share this in case it’s helpful because I think it’s a cool exercise. I know you talk about that in terms of being more specific in your marketing and messaging. At our clinic was the late 40s, executive type individual who was a college athlete or active previously, but has these chronic aches and pains that prevent this person from being able to maintain a regular fitness routine, shoot baskets or play tennis with their kids.

Being able to help them get out of pain not only gets this tremendous individual service and they want to do sessions for rehab but it also gives us an opportunity to convert them to a long-term fitness or wellness client, deepen that relationship and also increase the lifetime value of the customer. If their kids are high school or junior high school athletes, when they get injured, they send their kids in. They tell their friends and we’ve had a lot of success speaking directly to that type of avatar. It’s cool to see those ramifications of who you choose and who they know.

From a myopic standpoint, you’re like, “I’m going to focus on this group and that’s all I’m going to see.” Focusing on that group focuses your care but they know those patients have family and friends that won’t care and they’re going to refer them to someone that they know, like and trust. That goes to the next step where you talked about getting patient buy-in.

If you’re going to focus on a certain body part or demographic, you’re going to want to have something that gives some wow factor. There is got to be something. Whether it’s a dry needling experience or you pick it, whether it’s your device or something else. There’s got to be something that makes them come away thinking, “I like what I got from that first visit. I’m excited to come back for more,” so that they stay engaged.

I think that there’s a good barometer for that. If we want to give people that level of service where they stay engaged, the way to measure that is to look and say, “How many referrals am I getting?” If I’m giving people such good service, some number of them are going to want to tell their friends, family and colleagues. That’s a good measuring stick and that’s something that we’ve heard from clinic owners that having these differentiators, it’s increased the number of referrals, which has led to increases in volume and sometimes pretty dramatic growth. That’s a good way. For anyone reading, that’s something I would invite you to look at all of your lead sources and see how many of them are coming in organically from referrals. That’s free advertising. We can mobilize our existing customer base.

That’s the low hanging fruit because you always have this list of what maybe 50 to 100 physicians that you can always call out to but you as you grow and expand over time, you’re going to have hundreds, if not thousands of people on your past patient list that you can market to. Your marketing efforts can be exponential and that’s the low-hanging fruit. That marketing costs nothing.

The highest ROI is when you divide it by $0 cost of acquisition.

NeuFit is a very safe yet efficient and targeted way of training.
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The one thing that’s cool is you’ve got your differentiator. You provide a buy-in and wow factor. Once you get that patient, traditionally in the physical therapy outpatient model, they complete their plan of care, they’re done and you don’t see them anymore. In your practice, do you have some maintenance programs or wellness programs that can be additional add-on cash services?

That’s something that we’ve tried to find different ways to implement so that we can share that model, have everyone who has one of our devices, have them be able to use it as a template, learn from our experience, adapt it to theirs and perhaps even make it better. One of the things that we like to do is towards the end of each patient’s plan of care is to give them a demonstration, either within a treatment session or as a separate session. Give them a demonstration of what training is like and what a fitness session would be like on a different area of the body.

With the machine, for instance, how they’re able to put electrodes on, change the settings and get as much muscle recruitment and much of a strength or hypertrophy type of workout as they would if they were lifting heavyweights. They could be doing bodyweight, doing open-chain movements with their arms or something like that. We give them a sample of what that safe, efficient and targeted way of training, what that’s like and that helps convert some of them.

Some of them will come in for transition into being training clients. You mentioned Joe and Angie McGilvrey in Fort Myers. They’ve been able to convert a lot of their patients into training clients. They’ve hired additional staff with more strength and conditioning type backgrounds so they can retain those patients and serve them along with the entire plan of care.

We also have these electric tune-up sessions that people will come in for maintenance from time to time. They could be 30-minute sessions. It doesn’t have to be 1 hour or something like that. People will come in to lose and back up. If they were coming in for chronic low back pain, it just comes back from time to time, 1 or 2 sessions. They’d come in and pay cash. They do a quick one there.

It’s important for physical therapists that even if they didn’t have your device, they recognize that there are those opportunities to promote the ongoing wellness and maintenance of their patient’s health. I hear from chiropractors that it’s common in the chiropractic space, after a discharge from a plan of care that they’ll set up a two-month post-discharge follow-up visit at that last visit. Inevitably, there are going to be some regression or they’re going to mow the lawn sometime after discharge. Their back’s going to get tweaked or their shoulder is going to flare up and they think, “I’m done with therapy. I guess I’ll handle this on my own.”

They schedule that two-month post-discharge to follow up and say, “How are you doing? Let’s do a quick consult.” You could charge, maybe cash for it. It’s probably not an insurance billable charge but you just follow up. I would guess probably 50% of those people turn into patients again, whether it’s for that same body part or another body part that flares up down the road.

Some people also offer other health coaching services or other things too where they can use their physical therapy business to funnel and create for these ancillary businesses. That’s a great idea. I may borrow that one from you if that’s all right.

It’s cool because you have a cash-based model at your current facility. Some of your traditional outpatient PT practices that are in-network with many insurances, what they don’t recognize or don’t expand their scope of practice. They’re not looking for opportunities to provide some cash-based services, even though they’re in-network with some of these things. I know some people might charge cash for a dry needling treatment or something like that. I think there are opportunities out there to look for and find some cash-based things they can do to “upcharge” what they’re traditionally getting and thus combat the declining reimbursement rates that they’re getting.

We’ve seen good examples of that. I’m speaking from experience of people using our device but anything that is a differentiator and adds value like you mentioned, dry needling, the same can certainly apply. We’ve seen several clinics that are in-network and do accept insurance. If they’re going to use a tool like the Neubie or dry needling, they charge an additional amount on top of that. As long as they’re able to do it within any insurance contracts or anything, as long as it’s appropriate, ethical and legal to do so, we’ve seen that works successfully. People happily on top of their insurance, if they’re like, “Do you want to use the Neubie? It’s going to be an extra $50 to $75 for this session.”

We’ve seen at a lot of practices people will pay that amount or as you said, when their plan of care has been done, they convert to a cash-based fitness or wellness services type of arrangement. We’ve seen that health practices start to add some cash to supplement their insurance and give them a little bit of a buffer if there’s an insurance audit or if they’re trying to mess with the rate at which they’re making payments. If the benefit is the reimbursements, go down even further. Having that buffer is nice. It helps us sleep better at night.

PTO 165 | NeuFit
Attention spans are shorter these days. People want results. If you provide a service to somebody who comes in with pain and leaves with noticeably less pain, you have their attention.

A few of my clients or friends in my network are also using is musculoskeletal ultrasound. Some insurances pay for that, some of them don’t. It’s a fight depending on which state that you’re in to see if they recognize that as something within your scope of practice. Diagnostic ultrasound can also be a cash-based service that can provide greater value to the care that you’re providing and also be a benefit to the patient.

I’m glad you mentioned that. We’d had some mutual overlap in colleagues through the HODS  group and I love that you’re involved with them and what they’re doing because that’s such a cool service. You go to a PT and get real-time information. That’s perhaps even better and more specific than what you can get on MRIs or other scans. To be able to get something there with somebody who can do something about it and track progress along the way in real-time. With the EMG, nerve conduction tests and all that, I think that’s amazing. I am excited to see more PTs do that and upgrade the whole way the PT profession is perceived by people who offer those services too.

When they can do some diagnostics, that’s finally a step towards that gatekeeper of the musculoskeletal care that we can provide.

We’re very excited to be working with the HODS group, partnering on a study where they’re going to be using their EMG and nerve conduction testing capabilities to do before and after pre-post intervention tests on neuropathy patients using our device as the treatment intervention. Then measuring for changes in EMG activation for nerve conduction.

Based on some of the results, we’ve seen functionally and in different case studies so far, I’m optimistic that it’ll be good. Being able to be to have that validation too, that’s another thing that drives engagement. When we’re talking about creating that wow factor, getting engagement for people, being able to show them a problem, offer a solution and be able to show them a change in that measurement.

We don’t do the EMG work at our facility, although I’d be interested in finding a way to offer that. One thing that we do that is related is we’ll do manual muscle tests. If someone comes in with a knee problem, you’ll have to lie down on a table and they’ll hold their leg up. We’ll push down. We are testing quad and hip flexor muscles. There’s nothing unique about that but one of the things that we do is we’ll use a handheld dynamometer. I’ll push down in someone’s leg and say, “Your left leg is 50 pounds of force. Your right leg is only 30. There’s a deficit here. We want to get this leg from 30 to 50.”

If we can do some of these neurological activation techniques that we do and see them get from 30 to 40 in one session. Know that 50 is their goal and that we’re already moving towards it in one session, that type of objective feedback creates a lot of buy-ins too. That’s one of the things I like about the ultrasound where you see the picture. EMG, where you see the number or this handheld dynamometer being able to show people tangible, objective, measurable changes. I think that is sticky and that creates a lot of buy-in, enthusiasm and engagement also in that same realm.

It’s an extension of what we learned in our physical therapy schooling programs. One is the manual muscle test. The other is simply the usage of a goniometer. To take objective measures like that and translate that for the patients and say, “You’re gaining, you’re getting better. This is our goal.” There’s a scoreboard now. We can look at the scoreboard and see how you’re doing because I think many times where patients fall off is that the therapist hasn’t told them what the game is.

They haven’t set the goals and expectations. This is how we know we’re winning when we can get to 90 degrees of abduction. Now we’re getting to 120 degrees of abduction, f it’s a shoulder or where we want to get your strength from 3-plus to 5. In your case, using the dynamometer is even a little bit more objective and saying, “We want to get from 20 pounds of force to 40 pounds of force.”

When we give them that and then they know where they are in relationship to the goals that they want to achieve, now they know that they’re making headway and they can buy into a program like that. Whereas if you say, “We need you to get stronger. You need to be able to walk better and have less pain.” A lot of that sounds like subjectivity. It doesn’t tell me the game and it’s not that exciting.

I think we’re getting into a conversation about human drives and motivation if there’s that deep innate desire that we all have to improve, get better at something, work towards a goal and fulfillment. If the goal is ambiguous that we can’t possibly know if we reach it, it’s tough to be motivated by progress along the way and there are elements of that. Sometimes owners might have those goals with staff therapists like, “Your goal is 40 patient visits a week,” or whatever the number is. It’s objective and motivates a therapist to work towards that but they may not use those same objective milestones with patients or vice versa. They may do it with patients but not with the staff. It’s probably good to do it in both cases.

If the goal is so ambiguous that you're not sure you can reach it, it's tough to be motivated.
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The one thing I like about setting yourself up with a differentiator of some kind is that it leads to a cascade of events. One of those things is that if you’re working with a particular demographic, in spite of having a number of different providers, inherently, you’re going to come across similar issues that you find with patients. If you’re doing it right, then there’s going to be a consistency of care. There’s going to be maybe a similar continuing education course that you take a certain diet or treatment process.

You’re all going to be McKenzie and ASTYM -certified. Whatever it is, there should be a consistency of care and this is specific to those people who are reading as PT owners. Nathan has to see this patient or the patient has to see that provider. You want there to be a consistency of care. It’s not owner-dependent. When a patient comes to your clinic, they know the results that they’re going to get in spite of the provider that’s providing it.

You and I talked about it that many clinic owners feel trapped or stuck. They may like providing care but they don’t want to have their business dependent on them doing it 40 or 50 hours a week. If there’s much time in the business, you don’t get that time to zoom out and work on the business. Do those more strategic things that can help it scale and help make it an even bigger impact. That was right in line with feedback we’ve heard from several owners. For us, it’s the NeuFit method. You mentioned others too, by being able to get their staff certified.

I’ve heard this a couple of times from clinic owners who will say, “The first time that I heard a patient come in and request my junior therapist, I knew I was going in the right direction. I could see that light at the end of the tunnel where I was going to be able to get some time to travel, be with my family and do more strategic business things because now I can see that it’s no longer going to be so dependent on me.” That’s something that we’ve heard a lot and that’s such an important topic. I’m glad that when you’re teaching and mentorship that you speak so much about that too, because that’s such an important element of overall life satisfaction.

You’ve done it in your facility and that you’ve trained people in the NeuFit method but I think it’s important for most owners to recognize that there should be some consistency of care. I did an interview   with Tom Dalonzo-Baker , where he shared with me one of the reasons why he could get out of patient care is he sat down with his team of providers every week. They’d go over certain body parts or diagnoses and they decide, “What are some common ground things that we all do that we can agree on? This is fundamental to the treatment of blank.”

After having that conversation over months and probably over a year, the patients could come in and if Tom dropped out, for whatever reason, everyone knew what the game plan was based on that body part and the diagnosis that they were going to do this kind of care. I think that conversation is extremely valuable because I’m gathering from your facility that it’s not provider-dependent, whether or not they’re going to get results for any diagnosis.

I love the collaborative nature where everyone’s getting to talk about creating that treatment plan together and they’re co-creating that. The staff is going to buy in even more because they’ve helped create it and the concept overall of having that continuity of care where it’s going to be a similar experience. Whether they come in and they see John, Susie or someone else, the PTA, they’re going to have that continuity and it’s still going to be a good product. Even if you’re gone for two weeks, your operation can still provide excellent quality of care. It will still make the impact that you want to have, even if you’re not there.

Anything else that you want to share with us about how you’re doing things at your facility and with the Neubie that you think other PT owners could glean from?

We talked about applications with pro sports teams, sports medicine and orthopedic care. Another interesting component that we’ve seen is a lot of growth and amazing impact in the realm of neurological injuries, diseases and impairments. We have a whole program now. We’ve done work and have other studies. We have made a lot of headway in helping patients with MS, spinal cord injury, stroke, restore function and make meaningful, transformative improvements and sometimes regain autonomy, activities of daily living, quality of life. There are some cool things there.

We’ve seen some practice owners who we’re more in that traditional, typical outpatient orthopedic realm. Now they’ve expanded and they are working with some stroke or MS patients because we’ve done a lot of work with a brilliant doctor and wonderful human being named Terry Wahls . She’s a medical doctor professor at the University of Iowa and she had MS. She was wheelchair-bound and she reversed her symptoms through a combination of intense physical therapy and The Wahls Protocol. She wrote a book, The Wahls Protocol .  It’s a lifestyle parameter that reduces inflammation that can quell and suppress the underlying auto-immune environment that creates damage that leads to MS and all that.

A person is pointing at a wooden star on a blackboard
NeuFit: If you give people good service, they will tell their friends and family.


She has a fabulous research program. She has studies that show that her lifestyle interventions are getting as good or better outcomes with MS patients as immune-suppressing drugs without any of the side effects. These people have more energy. They feel better and sleep better as opposed to immune-suppressing drugs, where they’re susceptible to other problems. We’ve worked with Dr. Wahls, who has this audience of hundreds of thousands of MS patients.

By working with her and introducing NeuFit to her audience, now we’ve had practice owners tell us that they’re getting a few here and there. Many referrals of people who come to the website find their listing and they’ve created some of these new specialties, areas of interest or someone on their staff has started working more with neuro patients. They’ve seen some of these new avenues open up.

There is a benefit in being specific in messaging and choosing an avatar. For established practices, once you haven’t dialed in on a certain target avatar patient, being able to branch out and serve other areas can help expand the practice and create more engagement with staff. It can lead to some cool things there. I wanted to mention that because it’s something that we hear and that’s something that’s top of mind for us, for sure.

Some groundbreaking progress on some of those neurological issues is exciting to hear about because there isn’t much outside of medication.

To be able to help these athletes is fun and exciting and has a certain appeal, but to be able to help a woman who’s been paralyzed for many years because of a spinal cord injury. Being able to see her, over the course of years of treatment, to get out of a wheelchair, walk with a walker, regain some significant autonomy has been incredible to see some of these transformative things. That’s rewarding in a whole different way than helping an athlete get back on the field or something. It’s all wonderful.

If people wanted to reach out and find you, how would they do that?

My first book is called The NeuFit Method . If anyone’s interested in reading and learning more about this, the book is on Amazon. It’s a bright green color on brand with our color scheme and logo. Our website is . We have a special landing page for readers. It’s Neu.Fit/PTOwnersClub . If anyone’s on social media, we’re most active on Instagram. It’s @NeuFitRFP , for Rehab, Fitness and Performance.

Thanks so much for sharing and thanks for the landing page for those who are reading. I invite them to go and at least find out about it because this is a relatively newer company, technology and method. That’s helping out improve patient outcomes. It’s cool that I can catch you at this time because I’m sure you’re not going to be as available down the road. Thanks for your time, Garrett. I appreciate it.

Thank you, Nathan. It’s awesome to be able to work with somebody who’s doing a lot of meaningful work in this business area. It’s important for people who love the clinical world, but if you can’t keep the lights on and have the financial results to show for it, it’s not sustainable or as rewarding overall. You’re doing wonderful work blending the clinical and the business. Thanks for having me on.

Thanks. Have a good day.


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About Garrett Salpeter

PTO 165 | NeuFitGarrett Salpeter used his training in Engineering and Neuroscience to create NeuFit and the patented Neubie device. He and his team have trained thousands of doctors, therapists, and other professionals in the NeuFit methodology, and these practitioners have used NeuFit to help their patients recover faster from injuries, reverse chronic pain, restore function lost due to neurological injuries or diseases, and achieve improvements in fitness and performance. His work is also used by dozens of professional sports teams and universities, and is the subject of multiple ongoing trials evaluating the effectiveness of its technology in areas like post-operative recovery, muscle hypertrophy, and functional recovery from stroke and MS. Garrett is the host of the NeuFit Undercurrent Podcast and bestselling author of the book, The NeuFit Method.

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PTO - Private Practice Owners Club - Nathan Shields | Leadership Development
By Nathan Shields February 20, 2025
Nathan Shields & Adam Robin share key lessons from Adam’s journey to his third clinic, covering delegation, sales, leadership development, and practice growth.
Private Practice Owners Club - Nathan Shields | Steve Edwards | Treating Patients
By Nathan Shields February 11, 2025
Steve Edwards, a seasoned physical therapist, shares how he went from treating 50 hours a week to 0 while scaling his practice and opening a second location.
Private Practice Owners Club - Nathan Shields | Corey Hiben | Marketing Strategies
By Nathan Shields February 4, 2025
Corey Hiben discusses critical marketing strategies that can transform your struggling private practice into a thriving one.
Private Practice Owners Club (formerly Physical Therapy Owners Club) | Daniel  Hirsch | Compliance
By Nathan Shields January 28, 2025
Daniel Hirsch is here to simplify compliance for private practices with strategies to reduce risks, stay proactive, and streamline operations for growth.
Private Practice Owners Club (formerly Physical Therapy Owners Club) | Zack Randolph | Weekly Visits
By Nathan Shields January 21, 2025
Zack Randolph reveals his secrets on scaling his private practice to over 200 weekly visits in just a year.
Private Practice Owners Club (formerly Physical Therapy Owners Club) | Eric Miller | Increase Wealth
By Nathan Shields December 31, 2024
Practical strategies for PT owners to increase wealth, boost profits, and leverage AI while tackling financial challenges in 2024 and beyond.
Private Practice Owners Club | Will Humphreys | Billing And Collections
By Nathan Shields December 31, 2024
Will Humphreys of In the Black Billing discusses the complexity of billing and collections and shares strategies to save your Practice money – and sanity.
Private Practice Owners Club (formerly Physical Therapy Owners Club) | Sharif Zeid | Artificial Inte
By Adam Robin December 17, 2024
Sharif Zeid discusses how artificial intelligence impacts, influences, and shapes the physical therapy practice in today’s rapid digital age.
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