How Do You Make More Money With Nathan Shields And Adam Robin

Nathan Shields • April 16, 2024
A person is holding a bag of money with a dollar sign on it.


In this episode of the Physical Therapy Owners Club Podcast, Nathan Shields and Adam Robin discuss strategies and mindsets that can improve the financial health of your clinic. The conversation includes insights for both new and experienced clinic owners who are looking to expand their operations.

Nathan and Adam share important tips on how to achieve financial success. They emphasize the importance of adopting a growth mindset and implementing effective strategies for managing finances. They also highlight key considerations for those who are in the early stages of running a clinic.

Ready to transform your clinic into a thriving, profit-generating machine? Tune in to this enlightening episode of the Physical Therapy Owners Club Podcast and learn how to unlock the secrets to financial health for your clinic.

Want to talk about how we can help you with your PT business, or have a question you want to ask? Book a call with Nathan –

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How Do You Make More Money With Nathan Shields And Adam Robin

We talked to owners a lot and they get to this place where their schedules full. Maybe it’s them in another therapist. Their schedules are full. They’re super busy. They have no time to work on their business. and it’s like I’m too broke to hire somebody. It was like I’m too I’m too rich to quit but two broke to hire somebody and they had this paralyzing mentality of like I just can’t hire anybody.

Welcome. You’ve entered the Physical Therapy Owners Club podcast. We’re your host Nathan Shields, and other successful PTO owners and leaders who shared their experience and insights on how to build PT businesses. We’ll share the stories of their past success and show you how you can also obtain greater freedom and more profit for your business. That is what the PTO Club is all about. Greater freedom and more profit. There’s plenty of room for you as well, so come on in and join the club.

I’ve got my partner in crime Adam Robin again with me today. How are you doing?

I’m good. Wednesdays are good days. Mondays and Wednesdays are high-energy days. I’m rocking today.

Mondays too huh? Impressive. A little average Mondays too.

Mondays, I’m charged. On Tuesdays, I’m a little down and on Wednesdays, I’ll come back up.

There you go.

I’m back on the top.

Demand Profit From Your Company

We’re going to just do some straight-to-the-point conversation here. That is Adam. How do I make more money?


Let’s qualify that. How do I make more money? We could do a lot by just changing things around a little bit in an illegal fashion. I mean, people always told me clinically, “Dude, if you had a happy hour. This place would be rocking. Come to physical therapy and get a little tipsy. The pain would be eased for sure.”

There’s a lot of research behind alcohol.

It’s a social situation, anyway. I mean people loved coming to my clinic because all the patients, probably like your clinics, but all the patients would just get on the conversations and joke around with each other just make it a make it social happy hour we would have really crushed. How do I make more money?

We were having a good conversation before this before press and record. Just like I thought like as you start asking that question, I have so many freaking thoughts and ideas around it. I’m going to give you the non-traditional answer. I think the first thing you have to do is establish that it’s important. It’s your it’s your responsibility. It doesn’t come naturally like it is your responsibility to realize that making money is just as important as patient care and it’s just as important as how happy and comfortable your team is. They’re equally as important. All right.

I haven’t developed that but as I’ve done thinking about how I like to establish frameworks and make decisions around my business, I’ve got this framework of like there’s three pillars in your business. You have to understand that all three of them are just as important. If you have a three-legged stool. They’re all the same. Number one is money in the bank. Number two is happy patients and number three is a happy team. I think admitting that it’s important and also getting your team bought into that belief as well. That’s step one.

I’ve interviewed Eric Miller a ton because I respect his inside. I like what he proposes and one of his sayings that hit me that cuts to the quick was you have to demand profit from your company.

Physical Therapy Owners Club | Nathan Shields And Adam Robin | Make More Money
Make More Money: You have to demand the profit from your company.

Now that you mentioned that, we talked about that in our group called today. I remember Eric mentioning that but like it’s so true.

You can’t sit back passively expecting the money to just flow, right? If you are not intentional and if you are not particular about where your money is being spent and how and why, then money falls through the cracks and people will let money fall through the cracks unless you have systems in place around your cash flows. You have to demand the profit from your company that is the reason why you set up your company was to benefit you and your household. I think what people tend to have is those levels of priority reversed.

They think the household is subservient to the clinic, right? Somehow I need to sacrifice my house so that the clinic survives. Whereas, no, you need to do everything you can for the clinic so your household is successful. When I say household you and your family’s needs are met and not just needs your wants and your retirement are met. That comes first before everything else. You have to demand, you have to be intentional, you have to be purposeful about your money or you will let money fall through the cracks.

Just listen to me a little bit, please, if you’re listening to this from a point of experience. I did not get my cash flow systems in place at my clinic until I was probably 12 years in the business at least a decade maybe more. Before I figured out how to manage copays and deductibles and reconciliation of money and where it’s being spent and watching my profit and loss statements with the help of my CPA and my taxes. I was just very free for all. It’s all going to work out. Now you trust people inappropriately because I was like that.

I was not intentional and purposeful and demanding of my company, I can honestly say I lost $100,000 over the course of 12 years easily either through theft, mismanagement, or letting things get paid that needed to get paid or bought inventory that wasn’t necessary or you name it. I just wasn’t on top of things or demanding production based on my KPIs. You’re losing money because you’re not forcing the profit from your company. Once I got a handle on it, I was like I should have been collecting a lot more all this time.

Just having that mindset of demanding profit from your company is a great place to start. I almost hate to say, “Yeah, I just have a better mindset about it.” That’s where it starts. Then start thinking about well if I want to be a million-dollar clinic, the thing about a million-dollar clinic is you don’t start acting like a million-dollar clinic when you reach $1 million. I love it. I would challenge my coaching clients sometimes like, “You want a million-dollar clinic?” That’s a great goal.

What would a million-dollar clinic look like now as you’re making $250,000 a year and start acting like it? If you start acting like a million-dollar clinic, you’ll eventually get there but don’t expect to say, “I’ll do that when I’m bigger.” No, you do that now. That’s what real businesses do. I kind of took what you were saying and went off on my own little thing there. Sorry, but yeah, I think it starts with having that mindset and making sure that this is what you demand and it’s okay to demand it. It’s okay to want the money.

Vision And Action

Yeah, and you know, I think vision is a big piece of how to achieve success and anything, right? Like having that vision of how we need to behave in order to represent a million-dollar clinic? What do we need to believe in? What do we need to do? What type of habits do we need to have? People who are listening to this show need longer than six months. You can probably list three or four things. Start collecting copays over the counter.

Otherwise, listening to this show has done you no good. Just wasting your time.

Yeah, like you can get a handful of things that you need to do, right? Okay, now do it. You know what I mean? Like because doing part is the hard part. Getting it done is the hard part and so like we had this conversation before this and it’s like it starts with the idea that it’s important. By the way guys, I’m just kind of making this up as I go, but then it’s like you want more money? Do more hard stuff. Do you want more money? Be under more pressure like average people do average things. If you want above-average things you have to do above-average, you know what I mean, above-average actions. Think of the things that are scary, that are hard, that you’re fearful of, and do more of those things and you will make more money.

If you want above average things, you have to do above average actions.
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I love that you use the word fearful because we talked about it in our group coaching call today about the fear of money. I’ve got it, big time. It’s a huge button for me. The fear of losing money, I think people can relate especially guys who feel like they have a responsibility to provide for their family. I feel like my value and my worth are dependent upon what’s in my checking account. I know that’s not healthy, right? Like there is more to me than the value I bring to my family financially. That’s a different conversation with a different therapist.

Handling the fear of money is a big thing as well and so I want to tie it to what your point is.and that is doing the hard things is essentially answering the hard questions that you’re not asking. That sounds weird, but give me give me a second. People in the group call today we’re talking about well, how do I know when I’m hiring too soon? Like I’m extending myself too much financially to hire that physical therapist. That is an appropriate fear but that’s the wrong question.

The questions should be what do I need to do in order to hire a physical therapist and give my time to work on the business? What happens is people get that feeling well, they get themselves to judge the question and say, “What do I have to do to hire a person? If I do it too soon, it’s going to put me in a financial situation?” They get into that fear mindset and then they don’t do anything about it because the fear is there and they believe it’s justified. If they can just listen to the fear and put it all off and say, “Let’s not think about that right now.” That’s the easy thing to do.

The hard thing to do and to your point is ask a different question and that is what a coach will do for you. If we work with you, it’s like, well you know there are formulas where there are ways to hire people and not necessarily overextended.” First of all, maintain a mentality that this is an investment and not an expense, right?

If you thought your initial investment to open up the clinic was the end of your investments financially, then be more short-minded, your myopic because any kind of growth you want to see in your company is going to require some kind of financial stretch, right? That’s not the end when you open your clinic. You’re going to have to make investments along the way to take the next steps up the ladder and to attain more. Get over that mentality but then start asking different questions and not fall to the fear and money. I’m saying this because I’m talking myself.

Me too. You’re talking to me too.

Ask different questions. What do I need to do to get there? It’s explicit in Rich Dad Poor Dad . One Dad would say, “I can’t afford it.” The other dad would say, “What do we need to do in order to afford it?” It’s just a change in question. Now, you’re open to possibilities. Now your mind can create. You can throw that question to your subconscious and they can start whirling and twirling and coming up with solutions while you’re sleeping, right? Ask people. Think about it.

 Talk to your network. Ask them on the Facebook group. Hire a coach. We’ll guide you. We’ll tell you what the formula is and then work in that way instead of letting those fears of money, be the end of the thought process and paralyze your progress because it’s that fear that will paralyze you. I think I like that you brought up the fearful point. People are fearful and are afraid to do things that will paralyze them because they’re not asking the right questions.

Growth Mindset

This is why it’s all crazy how everything always comes back to psychology like the way that you think about things, it’s like your mindset like what is this thinking rich? It’s like a really popular book.

It has been for a century.

You know what I mean like, it’s a great book. It’s like it all comes down a psychology and it’s like the more you can get really critical about thinking about how you’re thinking. the more that you can control your thoughts therefore the more that you can control your actions and outcomes, right? I like the little slogans like you’re always going to find what you’re looking for. You will always find what you’re looking for.

Physical Therapy Owners Club | Nathan Shields And Adam Robin | Make More Money
Make More Money: The more that you can control your thoughts, the more that you can control your actions and outcomes.

If you’re looking for limitations, you will find them. If you’re looking for possibilities, you will find it. What are you looking for? It’s like finding more possibilities. Choose to seek out more possibilities and great leaders and great business owners are good at asking like you said asking the right questions. Asking the questions that open up possibilities and bringing that to their team and their team are the people who have a lot of the answers, right? Focus more on possibility and you’ll find it.

Yeah, I think the default and I love that. I think it was Zack in our group meeting today. Zach Randolph, thanks for joining the group meeting today. He brought up that 10x is easier than 2X because once you get past that fear, and say, “ I’m going to grow.” Then it’s easier to say “I’m going to double what I did last year.”

Let’s triple it.

Let’s double it. The whole thing about 10x being easier than 2x is that a lot of times you can look at let’s double that next year and if I just double my efforts the same efforts, the same efforts that I did this year, then I’m going to get 2x what I got last year where 10x is easy is easier than 2x’s. 10x mentality is a different question. What would I have to do in my business to 10x this instead of 2x this? Now, I wish I could talk from experience on that.

Maybe someday I will have a better experience to share with you guys. I think I’ve seen versions of that throughout my life when we sold our clinics, we sold for 4x what it should have been on the market instead of what we sold it for. I think that I’ve seen versions of that but that mindset shift, again, goes back to mindset like what do you have to do differently? Because if it’s just a 2X growth and that feels comfortable, Then maybe that’s not enough, right?

It’s like a little carrot that’s dangling out in front of you, but it’s not quite far enough to make you change your habits or change what you’re doing. Like I can still stay the same and just like like you said walk a little further, go a little harder. Do a couple more evals.

Add two more hours to my week or whatever.

Correct. Yeah. It’s like you got to start thinking like a way for her out. You know what I mean? Like you’ve got a stop treating and you’ve got to hire five therapists and they’ve got to stick around and stay. It’s like thinking a lot bigger and you can do it. You can totally do it.

That’s another thing too, and here’s what I experienced. I was at a point with my clinics where I was rather comfortable. Financially, I was doing okay but I was at a burned-out stage because I was treating full-time and Will and I had our separate clinics and we had another one that we shared and just kind of getting burned out from all the treatment, and then the management of the other clinic and they’re issues that come up non-stop and recycling the same issues over and over again. It got to a point where I was like something different needs to happen.

That’s where we finally got some coaching. I noticed that once I had a little bit of guidance from a coach and spent some time on my business, but then also had the accountability point part of it. That’s when things started to change, right? It didn’t take a lot of those ingredients to really start bearing fruit because the accountability portion for me is and I see you as someone who’s a little bit stronger-willed than I am. When I set goals. It’s very easy for me to just maybe like keep them to myself and if I didn’t meet him then like, “Well, maybe I’ll try next quarter or next year.”

Or never.

The accountability piece isn’t there. That’s why they always tell you did you have some kind of someone externally holding you accountable. That’s the beauty of a coaching thing is that where I was financially was not painful enough to make a difference, right? Then when I made the investment in myself by getting a coach and going through the coaching program, that’s when I started to see significant differences because someone helped me accountable and held my handle a little bit.

Create The Demand

I want to go back to creating the demand because, at the end of the day, it’s like we can have dreams and visions and aspirations. In the end, they got to have money in the bank. We have to take action doing stuff. We talked to owners a lot and they get to this place where their schedule is full. Maybe it’s them in another therapist. Their schedules are full. They’re super busy. They have no time to work on their business, and it’s like I’m too broke to hire somebody or it was like I’m too rich to quit but too broke to hire somebody.

They had this paralyzing mentality of like I just can’t hire anybody because I can’t afford it or we don’t have enough referrals. That mindset will keep you there forever. You will never get out of that. You’re never going to wake up one day and be like, “Now, I have enough.” It never happens. What will happen or should happen is you’ll wake up one day and say, “I’ve had enough,” and you’re going to have to decide to do something different, right?

Creating that demand it’s like I talked to practice owners or people who want to open a clinic. They come to me and they’re like, “Yeah, I’ve done the market research. I found this brick-and-mortar place. This is what I’m going to call it. I’ve got my accountant. I’ve got some equipment sitting in storage like I’m ready to go. I’ve got all these ideas like, okay like I want to make sure I’ve got everything in place. What should I do next?” It’s like, “Sign the lease.” I love that, because what happens when you sign the lease?

You’re committed.

Demand. Exactly, like you create that demand with yourself, and like now when you wake up and your feet on the floor, there’s a different level of focus and intensity around what you need to do instantly. You get really clear on what’s important. You know what I’m saying?

This sucker needs to get up and going now.

Then you open your clinic and then you’re schedule gets full and you get a front desk person.

Or how about your schedule gets full and you don’t have a front desk person?

Okay, If it’s full you don’t have a front person or whatever, right? You’re working 80 hours a week. Guess what? You have to create demand. Hire a therapist and you’re going to give them all your patience. Guess what? It’s going to be scary and you’re going to wake up the next morning your feet are going to hit the ground and guess what? You’re going to get clear on what you need to be doing to get your business.

How do I get these patients moved over? How do I get more patients to fill my schedule again?

I got to get over and maybe I can increase my frequency. We got to get something I got to talk about, right? It’s like your mind is rolling with ideas and ways to charge up your practice. It’s not because you created this super secret system, it’s because you had the guts to create the demand and like you bet on yourself, right? I love that thought of if you want to grow, you have to create the demand. You can’t wait it out. The waiting, you tried that. Didn’t you try to for 12 years?

If you want to grow, you have to create the demand. You can't wait it out.
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Yeah, someone pointed it out the other day as I was listening to a talk like I was living the same year over and over again. Same problems same victimhood mentality. This is just the same problem and it is reflected in my gross revenues flat in that clinic. You’re over here. I felt like I was running hard. It was Groundhog Day every year and did that for a number of your straight before I was finally like, “Okay. I came up with the demand.

I’m done with the hamster wheel. What do I need to do differently?” That’s when we finally reached out. You can either do that. You can live the same year over and over and over again or you can make growth happen, and make this year better than last year, and next year better than this year, right? That’s the way to that’s the way to make money.

That’s the way to make money. That’s what I want to do or come back to. Be out over your skis a little. Don’t get comfortable. Don’t be predictable. Don’t try to calculate how you’re going to make this work and it’s all going to be super easy because it’s not like deciding that you want to step into the arena and fight the good fight and go for it. Put yourself under that pressure, put yourself in those difficult times and that will create the demand for you to grow your business.

It’s very similar to m. I remember talking about going to a new gym one time and someone selling me on a program. He said, “The guys that come in here and want the 20-dollar-a-month package for access to the gym, we’ve done the studies like how often do they come in, less than three times a month. They know they’ve got some pressure and they’re betting on themselves and they’ve made a commitment. They actually show up three times a week instead of three times a month. You mentioned it. They bet on themselves and they made a commitment. The people who scoff and default at the cost of coaching like yeah, you don’t understand.

Yeah, we’re not talking to you. We’re talking to other people.

Because you’re not in a position where you’re willing to make the investment and make a commitment. You want the free crap that you can do on your own time and maybe someday it’ll get better through osmosis without any accountability. Yeah. Don’t bother calling us at that point, right? If you want to actually commit to growth and commit to yourself, you actually have to do the work. You have to sign the dotted line at the bottom and make an investment. People who do it themselves more power to him, but I’ve been doing this podcast for I think I’m going on seven years in June, 99.95 % of people I’ve interviewed, I’ve had some point gotten coaching to be successful Physical Therapy owners.

That’s typically who I have on the show, people who’ve been successful in the PT realm, right? They have received coaching at some time. As I mentioned earlier, there are formulas to progress. There are formulas to make money. It’s reaching out getting help and networking. It’s stepping out and working on your business, money in your business, and all the tried and true tropes but they are formulas. To say, “I can’t afford it. I can’t do that. I’m scared. What about this? What about that?” Then be okay with where you’re at.

Just get comfortable where you’re at and you won’t make more money and fine. We’ve seen new clients come in now who are like I just did an interview with one of our clients on the 90-day check-in a couple of weeks ago and he’s like, “Within three months. I’m making more money than I ever have in the past three years of my clinic.” I’m kind of blown away. I’m like, what are we doing? He’s like, well, you guys are like telling me where to put my focus and you’re holding my feet to the fire and tell me what’s the distraction and what’s a priority and I’m putting systems in place.

I’m making a ton more money. I’m like, “Cool. Great,” and that’s pretty much the experience all the time, but it’s because he made a commitment and he put an investment in himself to get that far. That’s how you make money. It’s not unique to physical therapy, the Steve Jobs of the world, the Bill Gates of the world, they’ve got coaches. They’ve got people that coach them. They invested in themselves.

They invest in their business all the time with many more zeros than we use but they invest in that stuff and that’s how they they invest in their business. They put the investment in expecting a return. Hiring a physical therapist is just like an investment. Bill Gates might make Microsoft open up a new branch. That’s the same thing as us hiring another physical therapist. Maybe it’s getting a PTA. Maybe it’s getting another front desk person. All that kind of stuff. It’s just that mentality, the commitment, the accountability all go hand-in-hand.

Three Pillars

I do want to kind of circle back because we chatted about the three pillars. Happy patients, happy team, money in the bank. Got to have it. You will never have a life worth living if you don’t have all three of those, right? You have to have all three. The thing that I’ve realized is that when you improve one, you improve all of them. Right. If you invest in your team, your bank account grows. If you invest in your financial management, your patients get happier. It’s like what’s good for the what’s good for the business is good for your bank, right? I can recall.

Physical Therapy Owners Club | Nathan Shields And Adam Robin | Make More Money
Make More Money: If you invest in your team, your bank account grows. If you invest in your financial management, your patients get happier.


Still to this day I know and I’ve done a lot of that self-work where I can start to become a lot more aware when I’m hesitant about making decisions. I’m hesitating and I kind of feel that discomfort and that fear around making decisions and almost every time it comes back to my insecurities about spending money. Almost every time. There are a lot of people who are out there why are you that way? Just so you know that’s normal. The thing that has gotten me through is realizing that what’s good for the business is good for your bank.

Just focus on building your business like if your business going to be better with another PT on your team. Yes, or no? Money aside. Yes or no? If the answer is yes, the higher the money will follow. Is your business going to be better if you’ve hired a coach? Yes or no? Yes. Then your money will all come back to you. What we do is we get stuck in this mindset of like, “I got to figure out how to make that work financially.” It’s like no. You’ve got to take a risk. You got to take a gamble on yourself and just focus on supporting the business and nurturing it like a newborn baby and just taking care of it and that’s how you make money.

A great example was the interview that I just did with Kristi Plunk about collecting copays at the time of service. She got to a point where cancellation rates were high, the revenues were decreasing for some reason or another compared to previous years and she looked back at her policies and procedures and was like, what do we need to change? What can we do to improve this? One of those that was best for the business like you said was we’re going to keep credit cards on file. We’re going to charge the cancellation fee to the credit card.

We’re going to collect co-pay coinsurance as the deductibles at the time of service. We’re going to add the 3% merchant services fee to every credit card swipe. Then we’re going to charge the patient’s balance to the credit card at the end of each month. Of course, the initial thoughts from the Peace Corps mentality that physical therapists have is what she called it and we have this Peace Corps Gene within us that we want to spread love and peace and wellness throughout the world without charge.

Which is not a bad thing.

Which is at our sacrifice.

It can be very bad.

Yeah at our financial detriment. The initial pushback is like what are the patients going to think? They’re not going to like this. She’s had like 1% of her patient population pushed back at all. She said, “I’m not the place for you. You just have to go somewhere else.” One percent maybe less than five people had an issue with keeping their credit card on file and and the policies that they implemented. Guess what? What’s good for the business, they ended up making money more money and increasing her revenues substantially. Right.

That’s just an example of what can happen or you make that commitment to hire a physical therapist, appropriately so at a time when you’re utilization rates are high, right? The formula that we’re talking about, there’s a formula to it. You hire them at that time. Well, guess what? It’s going to give you a little bit of pressure and cause you to number one, learn how to transfer patients over from you to another provider. But it also is going to cause you to guess what?

Go market, improve your relationships, invest in your marketing strategy, and do a little bit more here or there to get patient referrals up. That would be good for the business. Right? That’s also good for you. It makes you more money. That a little bit of pressure and doing what’s good for the business can definitely change into what’s best for the owners. You make more money, then you can invest in your team.

Do These Four Things

That’s right. Yeah, man, I think that’s amazing. I mean, I think that pretty much freaking hit the nail on the head. I wrote down, how to make more money. Number one, you got to believe that is important, and it’s worth fighting for just as important as patients and team. Number two, got to be willing to do more hard things more often. Not physically hard always, right? Yeah.

The number one thing on how to make more money is you have to believe that it is important and worth fighting for, just as important as patients and teams.
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Clear some mental hurdles.

Yeah. It’s like the difference between digging a ditch and solving a Rubik’s Cube. Digging a ditch is physically hard but it’s super predictable. Takes a different type of hard to solve a Rubik’s cube, right? Number three, create demand and embrace fear. Then the fourth thing I wrote down is a bet on your shelf. Those four things you’re going to do consistently, you’ll make more money.

Yeah. Very much.

I told you this would be a good episode.

Unfortunately, what we hear about making money, especially with the rates of Bitcoin rising right now in March of 2024. The stories that we hear are about the people who bought Bitcoin back when it was $200. Now, it’s 70,000. Those are the stories we’re going to hear. That’s what it’s going to be portrayed in the media, but that’s not the majority of people who make money.

It’s not how I did it.

Yeah, it takes a different mentality and that’s how people are going to make money as if they really bet on themselves and do some self-work.

That’s right.

That’s good stuff. I probably need to go back and listen to this one myself after we’re done.

Yes, sir.

Get myself pumped up again.

For those who are listening, I do want to mention that we’re starting a monthly free coaching call. It’s going to be a call the Physical Therapy Owners Club Monthly Empower call. It’s going to be 100% free. It is not a sales call and don’t be discouraged just because it’s free doesn’t mean we’re not going to provide tremendous value on that call, but the only requirement is that you have to be a member of the Facebook group. Join the Facebook group, even if you don’t get active on there, you can find the link and you can join the monthly call. It’s once a month for an hour. It’s going to be me, Nathan, and some of our other coaches are going to be on that call. Bring your questions and we want to help you find new possibilities for you and your business.

No initially out of the gate, we’re doing it a certain day and time each week, right? I’m saying that that is what it is for now so please give us the freedom to change that in the future and check into the Facebook group if we do change it. For now, it’s when like Wednesdays.

Yeah, I think it’s the third Wednesday of every month at 1:00 PM Central. That could change.

2:00 PM Eastern. What is that?

I do Central.

I know you’re Central. Whatever it is, that could change in the future but the third Wednesday is a good one to remember and we’ll keep you abreast of what’s actually going on in the Facebook group if that’s a call that you want to make.

It’ll be great. What you’re planning to do out and believe is necessarily any type of presentation but more of like a Q&A session?

Yeah. What we’re going to do there is we’re going to find out what’s really most important to you. We’re going to expect you to bring some questions, and we’re going to get really clear on what those limiting beliefs are, what those fears are, and what demand you need to create in your business, and we’re going to help you find new possibilities there. Then hold you accountable and see you take action. I promise you, you will get results. Free call once a month, you can’t go wrong.

I’m going to make a prediction. My prediction is that there’s going to be a lot of questions about how to hire a PT.

We got answers for that too.

I don’t know what it is, but that’s at the forefront of people’s minds. Then when you tell them, “Well, it’s going to take some work.” They’re like, “I thought there was an easier way.” Sorry, there’s not. Got you, cool. Well, if you want to get a hold of us, you can check out the website . You can reach Adam directly at . He’s on LinkedIn. I’m on LinkedIn, . If you want to email me, you can find us through the Facebook group as well, but let’s go make some more money.

Let’s do it, man.

Have a big year. See you around. Peace.


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About Adam Robin

Physical Therapy Owners Club | Nathan Shields And Adam Robin | Make More MoneyI am a driven dreamer. I like to think big and take on fun, exciting, and sometimes scary challenges. I like to walk up to the base of the mountain, rally my troops, and take on the climb.

The greatest discovery that I’ve ever made is that my passion for growth tends to rub off on people who also aspire to achieve and create. Once I discovered this everything changed for me.

Since my discovery, I’ve founded and scaled 3 businesses in the healthcare industry. I’ve also developed an online business coaching presence where I empower healthcare practice owners to create freedom and fulfillment in their lives both personally and professionally. I pour my passion, energy, and lessons into everybody that I meet in hopes that they can experience, just a piece of, the personal growth and development that I’ve experienced along my ownership journey.


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